PART 5: the heist

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"May i get your names please?", said the security guard. "Jesse and Walt.", said Jesse. "Ok, go to hanger 34, the rockets are in there." Jesse drove to hanger 34 and they get in the plane. "Flybird-4576 requesting takeoff to Moscow.", said Walt. "Flybird-4576, granted.", said the ATC operator. They see 10 millitary cars, with people shooting at them. "Shit Jesse, they found out." "Walt, just take off, i already exploded all their fighter jets here." Walt took off, and 1 hour later when he lands at the New Mexico dessert, he gets a notification. "BIGGEST HEIST OF THE CENTURY, 10 $1 BILLION ROCKETS STOLEN FROM MILITARY BASE" "Jesse, we pulled out the biggest heist of the century!", said Walt. They got out and got in the car that was waiting for them. The car drove them back to Albuquerque and to Walt's house.

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