Chapter 3: Her Stalker

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Author POV

A lone figure stood outside the Williams Mansion, cloaked entirely in black, a mask concealing his features. He had come with a singular, unyielding purpose.

It was night, and He stood before the imposing façade of the Williams mansion. Guards were scattered across every corner, a futile attempt at security that wasn't enough to keep him from seeing his  sweetheart. In no time, he was inside her room, his steps light, and purpose resolute.

There she lay, asleep, her form serene and alluring all at once. She was dressed in a crop top with delicate spaghetti straps and a pair of shorts that did little to conceal her long, silky legs. He couldn’t help but imagine how divine they would feel wrapped around my waist, or resting on my shoulders. Sinful thoughts, but I set them aside for now.

Pulling out a handkerchief, He  soaked it in chloroform. Within moments, she was deep in slumber, oblivious to the world around her. He slipped into the bed beside her, drawing her close to me, her warmth pressing against mine. His lips found the tender curve of her neck, and I inhaled deeply, savoring the faint scent that lingered there.

His breath brushed against her collarbones, my grip tightening as he  pulled her even closer. I kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger, savoring the soft, familiar warmth. "She shoots straight to my heart, healing something within me that she never broke. Without her, I am incomplete. Gradually, she is becoming my obsession." He muttered to himself.

He kept starring at her for hours without blinking as if she will vanish into thin air if he will blink.

The moment had come for him to depart, and he moved with a silent, deliberate grace. Before leaving, he decided to leave his mark. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss against her collarbone, then trailed his lips up to her neck, where he left a faint, possessive bruise.

He lingered for a moment, his gaze tracing her serene features, before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. Quietly, he slipped away, leaving behind a note that read: I will return soon, to take you with me.

Amira's POV

As dawn's light filtered through the curtains, Amira stirred from her sleep, a sense of disorientation clouding her mind. She stretched lazily, her senses slowly awakening to the world around her. It was then that she noticed the faint sting on her neck—a reminder of a kiss, or perhaps something more audacious.

Amira's fingers brushed against the mark, and amusement flickered in her eyes. How audacious, she thought, a mix of irritation and intrigue bubbling within her. She couldn't help but smile at the boldness of his actions, his confidence igniting a thrill in her. Only he would dare to claim her so brazenly, leaving a hickey as a reminder of his presence.

Shaking her head in disbelief, she pushed herself out of bed, her mind shifting gears. There was no time for distractions; she had a mission to attend to. Dressing swiftly, she pulled on a tailored suit, her demeanor transforming as she embraced her role as the formidable boss everyone knew her to be.

As she gathered her belongings, Amira felt a surge of determination. Today was about business—an important meeting that could alter the course of her plans. But even as she focused on her objectives, the memory of his kiss lingered, a tantalizing reminder of the complicated emotions swirling within her. With one last glance at the note he had left behind, she stepped out of her apartment, ready to face whatever challenges awaited her in the office.

Amira gathered with her father and trusted members of the organization in a dimly lit room, the atmosphere heavy with the weight of their shared mission. The discussion centered around a critical meeting concerning their efforts to combat human trafficking—a cause that resonated deeply with them all.

Her father spoke with authority, outlining the grave situation and the urgent need for their intervention. “We cannot sit idly by while innocent lives are at stake,” he asserted, his voice steady. Amira nodded in agreement, feeling the weight of their purpose.

As the conversation progressed, her father turned to her, pride evident in his eyes. “You’ve been assigned to work alongside Ivan on this mission. He’s proven to be an invaluable asset,” he said, his tone reflecting confidence in her choice of partner.

Amira felt a flutter in her chest at the mention of Ivan. They were not only partners in the organization but also engaged to be married, their connection deepening with each shared challenge. “I suppose I can tolerate his presence,” she teased, a playful smirk crossing her lips. “As long as he doesn’t get too full of himself.”

Her father chuckled, shaking his head. “You know he’s just as determined as you are, Amira. This mission will require both your strengths.”

The team continued to discuss the details of their operation, which would culminate in a high-stakes meeting at an exclusive club in Italy—a hub for both luxury and secrecy. Amira’s thoughts drifted to Ivan, and she felt a spark of mischief as she envisioned their upcoming collaboration.


That's it for todayyyy

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