Day 2

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                  The next day

I woke up less tired than yesterday yay and called kie. “Hey wsp” she said, I sighed “I texted the guy!”, “what he say?”
“Well I just thanked him for the cookie”, “did you figure out his name?”, I laughed nervously “no” kie sighed, “he said he wouldn't tell me! But I'm going to ask him some questions today.”After I finished getting ready for school I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

                       At school

I went into math class and saw the desks were all moved around, oh great new seats, “Today you guys are getting new seats and they will be your seats for the rest of the year”, she started calling out pairs and told them where to sit. I was one of the last 4 people I didn't see who they were cuz I was looking at the ground but she finally called my name and someone else I was too in thought to hear the other person's name so I just sat down where she told me to refusing to face who I was sitting next too. Mrs. T my teacher duh started teaching and as always I only payed attention for 10 minutes after that I just started doing random stuff bc that stuff was boring and math is usually super easy, I looked around the room and started reading all the posters in the room when I got a glimpse of the person next to me, it was Nico I was sure of , I got up and went to the bathroom. “This is stupid why do I have to sit next to him!” I mumbled to myself. When I went back to class I saw my friend in the hall “hey! Izzy!” I said waving to her “Hey!” We ended up talking for a bit but then Izzy left because she still had to use the restroom and I went back to class. There were only a few minutes left of class.

            At the end of class

I met up with Emma and kie and we went to lunch. “I'm starving!” Kie sighed “ofc you are big back” I said back to her laughing she glared at me “hehe sorry but guess what!” I said remembering I had to tell them about math class “what?” They both said. “I have to sit next to Nico in math class!”, kie and Emma laughed. We made it to lunch and like last time Nico was sitting across from us I just ignored it tho and went to get my lunch. Emma saw me coming back “heheh you got that cookie?” I smiled and sat down “of course I did”, kie tried grabbing the cookie when I was looking at um but I saw “get back from my cookie” I said to her “okay fine!” Kie pulled away. After a bit u got up to get a napkin when I came back my cookie was gone “kie did you take my cookie!”, she looked up from her phone “no” I started shaking her in panic “my cookie is gone!” Nico and his friends were laughing across from us, I just ignored it.

             After school

My poor cookie I thought laying on my bed then I got a text someone take your cookie princess, I was surprised he knew about that but I replied how do you know about that!, I was curious on how he knew that, now that's a secret, this guy is so annoying well I have a few questions for you, I just waited for him to respond. It has been like an hour or 2 and he didn't reply. Is he trying to get out of answering my questions? I stared at my phone hoping for a response from this guy. Around midnight I posted a tiktok right after that I got a text why are you awake at this time princess, Was this guy stalking my acc, how did you know that it was pretty clear he saw my tiktok, oh princess you really are an idiot, Rude, I saw your tiktok, I KNEW IT HE REALLY IS A STALKER, go to sleep princess you already fall asleep in class. Okay so he's in one of my classes but which one? I put down my phone laid down and went to sleep.

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