17- Memory

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I close my eyes as the flipping knife flies from Eric's hand. I feel the knife forcefully land close to my right thigh. I swallow and open my eyes. He knows he's great at this, the cocky son of a gun. I know Eric's not done because he's holding four more knives.

I'm suddenly thankful I'm wearing my tight leggings. I'd be naked by the end if this if my pants we're flared.

I take a deep breath and fist up my hands. I don't want him or anyone to see that I'm shaking.

I look straight at him instead of closing my eyes. His composure looks careless, making it impressive as he throws the second knife right above my shoulder. I almost flinch but try to target my eyes on him.

Eric's right eyebrow is slightly furrowed, and although his jaw is clenched (probably of annoyance), he looks good. As in good, I mean-

A knife lands above my head and my eyes swift to it before I look back at Eric. Is he trying to kill me?

I look at him for eye contact but he's focused on the area above my left shoulder. He throws a knife and it catches onto my polyester shirt. I feel pain but I bite my tongue. He throws another blade at my left thigh and it comes close to hitting me.

Eric has thrown the knives so fast but it feels like I've been at the aiming board for hours. I stare back at him and he spits out, "remember who's leader, initiates." He pauses as he looks at me. I look away, scared that I'm going to cry. My left shoulder is stinging with pain.

"Everyone back to throwing," Four says.

I take the knife at my shoulder off the board and groan as I do so. Some people are staring at me. The charming bastard got my skin scraped off, I know it.

My throat is dry and Eric walks to me. I don't make eye contact with him. I have to tell myself to hold my tears back.

He grabs my left arm and pulls it towards him. I bite my lip. I'm confused and I see his face is dimly worried.

I see it now. There are two lines of blood flowing down my arm in wavy patterns. I pull my arm away and look up at him. I remember the time he went to the tattoo parlor with me. Was I hallucinating that?

"Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?" His face is soft and it pisses me off. Even though he had reason to, Eric humiliated me and got a knife in the skin of my shoulder.

"I'll go myself." I clench my jaw and walk past him, a tear rolling down my cheek. I'm furious but my shoulder is killing me. I hold my arm to my chest without stretching it too much. My shirt is collecting the blood.

Of course, Eric won't leave me alone. He catches up. He strides next to me. "Hey, I don't give a damn as to what you want. I'm going with you."

I scowl and wipe away another tear before he can see it.

"Why?" I can't help but ask.

"Because I want to."

"Why?" I look up and he looks down at me. As we pass a hall light, I see a glimmer of gold in his iris and I have to look away because of the thought I have. I think he's a horrific, attractive guy that I have a crush on. How childish of me.

"Because..." I look up and smirk, kind of hoping he would say "because I feel bad" or "because I have a childish crush on you, too".

Instead, Eric says, "because none of your damn business." I smile. He rolls his eyes. Typical.

"You're an asshole," I whisper, biting my tongue from the pain.

"I know." He sighs and we enter the infirmary.

We've been sitting in a room for a while, Eric across from me. When we entered Mara said, "oh, it's you." It's like I've been in here ten times already although I've only been once before, when I had a concussion.

A nurse named Alex gave me a cloth to hold to my shoulder. He told me he'd be back momentarily but it's already been two minutes. The cloth is already soaked with blood and I don't think these people realize how much I'm bleeding or how much pain I'm in.

Alex comes through the door. "Sorry for the wait. I needed to get something for someone getting stitches." My eyes widen. I hope I don't need that.

"Let's get you checked." Alex strides to my left side and puts up my sleeve. I immediately shake my head. It's going to hurt too much.

"Well, if that hurts too bad you're going to have to take your shirt off." Oh, crap. I turn red. Eric just had to assist me today. He's smirking, I know he is.

"Uh...ok," I say. I gulp. "Make him get out first." I point to Eric. Eric's velvet chuckle makes me feel a weird feeling in my stomach. I feel my ears get hot. I'm not necessarily flat chested, but I certainly don't compare to the chicks Eric's probably seen. I don't want him to torture me over it either.

"Sorry, doll. Not going anywhere." I roll my eyes and hate but love his next chuckle. Oh, the way he makes me feel.

"Whatever," I mutter, mostly for myself. I gently pull my shirt off. My shoulder stings like crazy. A peek at my shoulder makes my stomach drop. It looks gnarly. Mushy blood stains the area right off my bone. My skin looks torn. I think I'll be getting stitches.

I take a deep breath as Alex exams my injury. I cover my black bra with my shirt. Eric better keep his eyes off.

I look at Eric and he looks upset but he's looking at my bloody arm. He uncrosses his arms and looks at me. His face hardens as he looks at Alex.

"Yep, you'll need stitches." Alex gives me an apologetic smile and I nod, totally freaking out in my brain. "I'll go get the things I need real quick. Don't escape." He quickly taps my nose and I flinch. Woah! Weird gesture. He looks young with brown, thick hair and light brown eyes. He was probably in amity before. It would explain the nose tapping.

As Alex gets out of the room, Eric snorts. "What the hell?" I shrug and regret it when my shoulder signals pain. Eric opens his mouth to say something but says nothing.

"What?" I ask annoyed. He shakes his head, driving me crazy. "I said 'what'?" He looks down and half smiles. He's rubbing his hands together.

"You don't remember me."

What? What's he talking about? "I'm sorry?" I say.

"You don't remember me." He looks at me sideways. "You know, from erudite."

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