Chapter 1: The Way We Are

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The late afternoon sunlight spilled into the living room, casting a golden hue over everything. He was sprawled out on the couch, his legs stretched comfortably across the cushions, lost in a book. Kailiax watched him from the doorway, a mischievous grin creeping across her face. There was something about seeing him like this—so at ease, so unaware—that made her heart flutter.
Without a sound, she tiptoed over to him, her bare feet making the lightest of taps on the wooden floor. He didn’t even look up. She suppressed a giggle, her excitement building with every step.
When she was close enough, she leaned down as if she were about to kiss him, her lips hovering near his cheek. His familiar scent filled her nose, warm and comforting. But instead of the soft kiss he was probably expecting, she did something far less expected—she licked him, a quick swipe of her tongue across his cheek.

He jumped, startled, and the book tumbled from his hands. “Oh, you’ve done it now!” he shouted, his voice both surprised and filled with laughter.

Before she could escape, he lunged for her, but Kailiax was too quick. She darted out of reach, her laughter echoing through the room as she ran toward the hallway. “Catch me if you can!” she teased, glancing over her shoulder just in time to see him coming after her.

He was on his feet in an instant, his eyes lit with a playful determination. “You’re not getting away that easily!” he called, his footsteps heavy and deliberate as he chased her through the house.

She squealed with delight as she dashed around the corner, her heart pounding—not from fear, but from the thrill of being so utterly in love with this man. He was everything. Her everything.

Kailiax ducked behind the kitchen counter, holding her breath, trying to keep quiet, but she couldn’t stop smiling. She knew he’d find her. He always did.

Suddenly, his arms were around her, pulling her back against him, and she let out a gasp of surprise. “Gotcha,” he whispered into her ear, his voice low and teasing.

Before she could even think of a response, he started tickling her. She burst out laughing, her whole body shaking as she tried to wriggle away, but he held her close, his fingers merciless as they danced across her sides.

“Stop!” she gasped between breaths, but she couldn’t stop laughing. It was the kind of laughter that made her stomach ache, the kind that left her breathless, and she loved every second of it.

“Not until you say you’re sorry for that little stunt,” he teased, his lips brushing against the side of her neck.

“Never!” she giggled, her head falling back against his shoulder, surrendering to the tickle attack.

He laughed softly into her ear, the sound vibrating against her skin, and for a moment, the world outside didn’t exist. It was just them—wrapped up in each other, in their shared joy and love. This was their life. This was who they were.

Finally, he stopped, letting her catch her breath, but he didn’t let go. He held her close, his arms wrapped around her, his chin resting gently on her shoulder. “You’re lucky I love you, you know that?” he murmured, his voice softer now, the teasing replaced with something deeper.

She smiled, turning her head just enough to meet his gaze. “I know,” she whispered back, her heart full, her love for him overwhelming in its intensity.

He kissed her then, slow and sweet, his lips lingering on hers as if they had all the time in the world. And in that moment, they did.

Between Love and Loss: The Daughter I MadeWhere stories live. Discover now