Chapter 13: Rivyn's Personality Blossoms

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As Rivyn grew, Kailiax saw her daughter’s individuality shine brighter each day. Rivyn was bold and curious, always asking questions, always seeking something new to explore. But there were also moments when Kailiax could see flickers of her husband in Rivyn—familiar expressions, playful grins, little quirks that brought both warmth and a bittersweet ache to her heart.

One sunny afternoon, Rivyn was up to something. Kailiax had learned to spot the signs: her daughter’s quiet focus, the way she darted from room to room, glancing back with that mischievous look in her eye. Something was definitely brewing.

Kailiax was sitting at the kitchen table, flipping through a book, when she felt it. Something wet, sticky, and cold landed on her arm. She gasped, looking down to see what it was—a big splatter of whipped cream.

“Rivyn!” Kailiax called, standing up in surprise, but she could already hear the giggles coming from behind the door. Her daughter poked her head out, eyes wide with feigned innocence.

“I didn’t mean to!” Rivyn said, though her grin gave her away. She was trying so hard not to laugh.

Kailiax wiped the cream off her arm, sighing in mock frustration. “You know, you’re a lot like your father,” she muttered, more to herself than to Rivyn.

Rivyn’s grin only grew wider. She stepped into the kitchen and, with the cheekiest tone Kailiax had ever heard, said, “And you love it, Momma.”

Kailiax froze, hearing those words—the exact words her husband used to say every time he’d pulled one of his pranks, laughing in that way only he could. She hadn’t expected it, hadn’t realized how much she’d missed hearing that phrase until now. For a moment, she was speechless, caught between the past and the present.

But Rivyn didn’t notice her mother’s brief pause. She just stood there, proud of her little prank, eyes twinkling with delight.

Kailiax smiled softly, kneeling down to her daughter’s level and pulling her into a gentle hug. “Yes,” she whispered, her voice full of love and warmth, “I do.”

It wasn’t just about the prank or the whipped cream or even the reminder of her husband. It was about all of it—the playful moments, the memories, the new life she was building with Rivyn. Her daughter was growing into her own person, but every now and then, there was a glimpse of the man Kailiax had loved so deeply.

And for the first time in a long time, it didn’t hurt. It felt right.

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