Chapter 1

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A/N: See end for notes.


Alfred sighed as he flew through the air. It was pretty warm for an October night. Not that he minded. As an Alpha it felt nice.

His brother on the other hand hated the heat and often complained about it. The strange part was that he was an Omega and Omegas got cold easily. Apparently body heat and general heat were different to them, so a warm Alpha was an acceptable heat.

He landed on a building where Matthew was watching the sun set. The Omega was wearing a white and red suit with a maple leafe for a mask. He was known as the Canadian. It was a ridiculously simple name given by the press but Matthew didn't care.

"Pretty sunset today." Alfred said adjusting his red and white striped mask. His suit was a simple blue color. A red and white striped star branded on his chest. Many called him The Independent. Again, it was a ridiculous name given by the press. He was just glad he wasn't called the Democrat or Republican. Way too political for him.

"Yeah. Too bad it's so hot out." He said chuckling.

Alfred rolled his eyes. He knew Matthew would say that. "Yeah too bad." He said sarcastically.

Matthew smacked his arm but Alfred could barely feel it and he knew it. They both smiled.

"So how was school?" Matthew asked sitting on the edge.

"Same old same old. Arthur and I got into a fight again." The Alpha sighed.

"What about this time?" Matthew asked exasperated.

"If Omegas should be superheroes." He said sheepishly.

If looks could kill.

"So you were being a sexist pig." He said ready to leave.

"NO! I was being sarcastic and Arthur took it literally! If I really thought that I wouldn't be working with you. But my pride got in the way and I got really defensive." He said feeling ashamed. Alpha pride was no joke.

"So you doubled down like usual and now look like a comple asshole to your crush." Matthew said in a matter of fact tone.

Alfred nodded feeling ashamed. "Yeah. Think you can help me fix it since you're both Omegas?"

"Fine. But you owe me big time for this." He said getting up and flying. This wasn't the first time he had to fix his idiot brothers mistake.

They had one power in common, flying. Otherwise Alfred was physically stronger and could see through things. While Matthew could turn invisible and use telepathy. They were a powerful duo.

Alfred followed after him. "Thanks Mattie!"

Matthew glared at him.

"Don't call me that when we're in uniform." He warned.

"Sorry." Alfred said not actually feeling sorry.

They flew to the base in a comfortable silence. Once there they changed into more comfortable clothes. Here they didn't have to hide their identities. All the government officials knew their true identities.

Matthew made his way to the meeting room while Alfred headed to the cafeteria to get some snacks.

Francis stood in the meeting room listening to Arthur rant about Alfred's atrocious behavior. The two Omegas were very close. Though that shouldn't be a surprise since Francis was dating Arthur's oldest brother Alistair.

"-such a bloody pig could go to a prestigious school is beyond me!" He huffed.

Yep, Arthur was seriously pissed.

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