~{ ONE }~

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AN: Like I said earlier, this story won't be perfect, as this is one of my first books, but please try to be understanding. Please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes, and also remember to vote and comment!


                                                                                    Rose's POV

     It has been two hours since we got into the car, and Mother still isn't shutting up about the size of the R.M.S Titanic

     "Rose!" Mother gushes, nudging me for the seventh time as the giant ship comes into view when we turn the corner into the square full of people. "Look at it! The ship of dreams," she says, looking as if she was about to faint. Except she wouldn't, because it would be extremely undignified, but most importantly, she wouldn't get the chance to board the wonderfully amazing Titanic if she did faint.

     Yes, I think, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. To some people, just not me.

     Our car ploughs through the gathered crowd, leaving a wake in the press of people. I look out the glass window and see some people embracing in tearful farewells, and others waving goodbyes and yelling bon voyage wishes to the passengers aboard the Titanic. The bustling White Star Line officials are running around the boarding passengers, barking orders at them. 

     On an ordinary day, Mother would be sniffing with disdain, muttering, 'Uncivilized people.' But today was no ordinary day. It was the launching of the overestimated R.M.S. Titanic

     "Rose... Rose." Mother's voice rings in my ear and I turn away from the window. The exasperated look on her face says it all. 

     Mother sighs and shakes her head with disapproval. "We're here." 

     I put on my deep purple hat as Trudy, my maids, pulls the car door open. I step out and am immediately glad that I chose to wear this simply enormous hat. As ridiculous as it looks, it does do a great job of shielding my eyes from the sun. Mother's? Not so much.  

     "It's such a hot day," she complains. 

      I ignore her and look up at the ship. "I don't see what all the fuss is about. It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania."

     Mother opens her mouth in an indignant reply, but is cut off by Cal. He steps out of the car, umbrella in hand. 

     "You can be blasé about some things, Rose, but not about Titanic. It's over a hundred feet longer than Mauretania, and far more luxurious. It has squash courts, a Parisian cafe... even Turkish baths." 

      He looks me up and down, and turns to Mother. "Your daughter is much too hard to impress, Ruth." 

      I make a very impressive attempt at restraining myself from spitting in his face.

      Mother thinks marriage to Cal will hold together the cracks in my life. But I know better. The only thing anyone would gain by me marrying a man twice my age was entertainment value.

      She takes Cal's outstretched arm and we walk down the docks. 

     "Mind your step," Cal says, indicating a puddle of water on the ground. I hang back, waiting for them to walk some distance, before stepping into the pool of water and flicking some onto Cal's coat. Not that he noticed.

     "So," Mother gazes at the Titanic. "This is the ship they say is unsinkable." 

     "It is unsinkable," Cal replies, a note of pride in his voice. "God himself couldn't sink this ship." I will never understand how he manages to sound so irritating yet act like he is God's gift to mankind at the same time.

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