Chapter Fourteen: Mel

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I'm starting to think that maybe I misjudged my brother's friend. From gentleman to major flirt faster than I could blink. But I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. After all, he does hang out with my brother. But what gives? He's a total sweetheart in the pottery shop and in his car, he's hitting on me like I'm the last girl on earth. And not in a good way. Everything from "you have such a pretty smile" to "have you ever thought about modeling?" I mean, come on, what is this? A cheesy high school dance or something? I just about jumped out of the car when we finally got to the store, nearly tripping over my own feet in my hurry. "Well, thank you so much for the ride." I said, giving him a quick wave. "Have a good night!" But before I could close the car door, Romeo called out to me again. I tried my best not to groan. "Yes?" I said, feigning politeness. "I thought you still needed a ride home afterwards?" He asked. I sighed.

I did need a ride back home but there was no way I was sitting through another car ride with him. "That's all right." I told him. "I don't live very far from here." A total lie, but I was desperate. "Okay." He said. "If you're sure." I nodded. "I'm sure. But thanks." I started to close the car door again. "You know." He went on. You've got to be kidding me. I bit my tongue to keep myself from snapping. What was this guy's deal? His not-so-adorable-now smile was back. "My offer for coffee still stands. Maybe we could meet up this Friday? I know this amazing place right by the mall." "No, thank you. I'm busy." And then, just in case he tried to change days, I added, "I'm pretty busy all weekend." Even though I was just making an excuse, it still irked me when my brother's annoying friend actually laughed. "Doing what? More pottery?"

Universe help keep me calm. Universe help keep me calm. "What if I am?" I asked, getting more and more irritated by the second. He shrugged. "You can't spend all your time making pots and kettles." Okay, for real. Did we enter into a parallel world while inside his car? Because how could that sweet guy who helped me with my bike turn into this arrogant jerk before me? "And why not? I thought you liked pottery making as well?" "I mean, pottery is fine. But come on, don't you want to do something fun for once?" I took a deep breath. "Pottery is fun to me." He gave another laugh. "Figures." He said that under his breath, but I still heard him clear as day. "Excuse me?" I said, crossing my arms. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. I mean, your brother mentioned once before that you were boring. I just thought he was kidding." I could only stare at him in shock for a moment. But then my annoyance set in. "What is your problem?" It took all of my self-control not to shout the words. I was not going to let this meathead see me lose my cool. Completely ignoring my words, he plastered on that cocky grin of his and said, "So is that a yes to coffee?"

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my water bottle from inside my bag, unscrewed the top, and splashed the entire thing in his face. "Does that answer your question?" And then I slammed the car door shut and all but ran into the store. The nerve of that guy! Maybe the water was a bit much, but he was asking for it! I have never been so insulted in my life. Well, yes, I have. Goodness knows that Aiden has said way worse to me before. But such insults coming from someone I actually thought was nice? Serves me right though. I should have remembered from past experiences never to trust anyone my brother befriends.

I guess Sondheim really was right when he said: "Nice is different than good."

Ain't that the truth.

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