Chapter 1

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The golden trio were sitting in Hermione's room, being a prefect had serious perks. It was early into their 5th year at Hogwarts. Hermione was deep in a book she had gotten from the restricted section, something was off about the diary from their second year but she couldn't put her finger quite on it yet. Harry was working on his transfigurations essay, cross referencing books until his eyes felt as if they would go cross, and Ron was asleep on Hermione's bed. His body was above the blankets with his hands crossed behind his head, he was snoring slightly, but the two deep in their studies could barely hear him.

Hermione's eyes suddenly grew wide as she came to an important realization. "It was a horcrux," her voice came out just more than a whisper.

Harry snapped his head up," A what?" he kept his voice low, not wanting to wake Ron.

It was nearing the late hours of the night and truth be told all of them should probably be sleeping but there seemed to be more pressing matters, the brink of the war weighing heavy on the trio. "The diary was a horcrux, he took a piece of his soul and put it in an item. He likely has more given his ghastly appearance," she rubbed her fingers to her temple struggling to connect the dots.

"He has to have more than one," Harry said finally catching up in the conversation.

Hermione nodded," But we have no way to tell how many or even what we are, and it's not like anyone listens to us," she said putting her hands to her head and taking a deep breath. "They could be anywhere or anything, Merlin knows where he hid them. They're pieces of his soul you know he wouldn't take that lightly seeing as his entire life he's been running from mortality."

Harry's head was spinning, this news made this idea of winning a war more bleak than it already was. A horcrux mission seemed like an impossible death wish, he was only 15 and the fate of the entire wizarding world felt like they rested on the shoulders of such a young boy.

Ron decided this was the time to enter himself into the conversation and murmured," Time-turner," before jerking his body to his side and seemingly falling back asleep.

Hermione and Harry both stared at each other completely stunned by the outburst, but then everything made sense. "He's right Hermione, I could go back in time, before Tom split his soul and kill him. It shouldn't take long, I'll be back before you know it. Now where's your time turner?" he asked starting to get up from the floor obviously having not thought the situation through.

"Time travel is dangerous, you can't just go back before you were born and kill someone. This could throw our very existence out of wack."

"Our existence is already in danger, this feels like my only choice Hermione," Harry said his tone pleading,"I have to do this, the fate of the wizarding world needs me," he looked older as he said it, as if that statement alone had aged him.

All the traumas he had encountered were laid out so painfully clear on his face. Hermione dropped her head and started fiddling through her things. "You should bring your trunk just in case something goes wrong, and here let me transfigure your outfit into something more of that time period," his converse shoes were then slightly warped to look like an older model, his pants were changed to plain khaki pants, and his top was now a white button up with a black sweater on the top, robes had apparently not changed much so his black cloak was left alone. How Hermione had wizarding fashion memorized, Harry would never know.

They quietly went towards Harry's room, leaving Ron to sleep as Harry clumsily packed. Once he was finished he stood up straight bracing himself. "I'm Harry Evans, I was homeschooled in Britain until my parents died and I was transferred to Hogwarts. I now live with my abusive aunt and uncle who make me sleep in a cupboard under the stairs," he recited deciding this would be his cover story, though it wasn't a far stretch from the truth.

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