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In the land of Kralaide there exists Gods and humans. The God's thought themselves as master's and thus they thought that humans were their slaves. In the year 423, there was the biggest war known throughout the history of Kralaide.

The remaining free humans were practically surrounded into the King's Kingdom of Conrella, leaving only 100 000 remaining humans for the final fight for their freedom. A fight against immortals, and that they had more strength, gave the remaining human soldiers doubts...Nearly all of them were waiting for their impending deaths.

Before the war started, a lone God came before the King of that time, Maximus, and proposed her idea to win the war.

Her name was Mahnu, who becomes known as 'The Betrayer of the God's and the Saviour of Mankind'.

With the help of King Maximus, his royal guards and prophets, she went forward with her plan to entrap her own kind.

The war was won, now known as 'The Siege', and the God's were sealed inside a chest, in which Mahnu wasn't. It was her believe that the chest is where she was supposed to be and pondered many times over why she hadn't been sealed as well.

A short time after The Siege, Mahnu took what contained the God's, now known as 'The Chest of the God's', and hid it by herself, taking many years, as to not have history repeat itself.

We now travel to the present year of 1618, were there is no change to Mahnu's features, yet, inside her was a raging mess. Mahnu was created to be able to hear thoughts of those close by and hear and feel the suffering of the people of Kralaide.

With this, her betrayal and herself hatred, Mahnu had lost her speech and had already tried everything she could think of to end her existence, but nothing had worked...She now is determined to spend the rest of eternity walking the land of Kralaide alone...

Mahnu, An Immortal's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now