Demon answers your questions.

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Hi beautiful.

Do you remember me? I hope you do, because I never forgot about all of you. I'm back for good so Kris can finally write an ending and so I can talk to you all.

1. Love me Demon.

I already do, my love.

2. How old are you?

Depends how old you want me to be. *wiggles eyebrows*

3. Favorite ice cream?

I don't know what that is.

4. Favorite food?

The souls of anyone that tries to mess with my precious angel.

And toast (:

5. Believe in unicorns?

Believe in them? I own many of them. They're more evil than I am..

6. Will you ever be human?

I don't know.

7. Can I suck your dick?

*whips it out* Whatever makes you happy, baby.

8. What's your favorite thing to do at night?

Watch over my beautiful angel and breathe on her so she knows I'm always there. I also like to go through her garbage. *smiles*

9. Demon, I got one question for you. WHAT ARE THOOSEE?

*looks down at my shoes and a single tear rolls down my face*

10. Can I suck?

I don't understand the question.

11. Ass or tits?

You are beautiful no matter what.


12. How much do you love your little human?

More than anyone can ever imagine.

13. What's your biggest dream? Btw, I'm so glad you're back I missed you!!

For my angel to never be sad again. And millions of demon babies (:

I love you beautiful

14. Do you wanna have kids in the future?


15. What's your favorite drink?

The souls of the innocent.

16. Who's your celebrity crush?

I love no one but my little human.

17. Does the girl you love, love you back?

I would die if she didn't.

18. Are you a top or bottom?

Whatever can help you sleep at night, angel.

19. What happened to you Demon? What happened that made you this way?

I don't recall.

20. Has your little human ever been mad at you before?

I left her a dead bunny as a present once.. She didn't like it.

21. Demon, didn't you kill the girls friend or boyfriend or something?

I will kill anyone who stands in my way of my beautiful princess.

22. Demon, are you daddy af?

I don't know what that means and I am not sure I want to know.

23. Demon, how'd you get to be a demon?

It hurts to remember.

24. What was your childhood like?

I don't remember but I assume that it was like every other baby demon's- In the dark pits of the underworld, taking the souls of the innocent. <3

25. Were you depressed and did you commit suicide?

I don't know. I can't remember. But maybe.

26. Why aren't you my demon?

I am, what are you talking about?

27. Do you love me?

More than you will ever know.

28. Demon, just so you know you're very beautiful.


29. What inspired you to write demon?

Kris says no comment so I will answer for her. I was too good not to be written.

30. What's your real name Demon?

I don't know. But my angel calls me Justin.

31. How confused are you by the human world?

Well apparently it is not right to attack children because you are hungry. So, very confused.

32. Do you like fucking?

You're a naughty girl, angel.. But if it makes you happy.

33. Why can't you just reveal yourself?

I want to but they won't let me.

34. What is love like for you? How does it feel to be in love?

When I saw my little human for the first time, my chest started hurting. I wanted to follow her and hold her and make her happy every second, every day. I didn't understand it but I like it. And I think love is different for everyone, especially since I'm not like her.

35. Can you be my demon friend?

I already am.

36. If I'm friends with your angel or little one do you promise not to kill me?

*hisses* No one can be friends with her except me.

37. Demon, do you love me? I'll love you too.

I love you so much.

38. Is your actual name Demon?

I don't know.

39. I love you Demon.

I love you more.

40. Demon, will you come to my room when I'm asleep? Also why don't you reveal yourself to her? And do you wanna fuck whoever she is?

I am under your bed at night. I wish I could but I can't. And yes

(but only with her consent)

41. What would you do if you met all the people who love you and people who read this book?

I would follow them around and watch them at night and breathe on them as I stand in the dark smiling to myself.

42. What is your little angel's name?

I call her a lot of things like sweetheart, muffin, cinnamon apple, baby, angel *heart eyes*

43. 3 things that you love about your little human?

The way she smiles, the way she treats others, and how perfect she is.

Hope i answered your questions right and made you all happy. I love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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