Chapter 1 | The Tales of The Golden Age

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(Y/n) = Your name.

(N/n) = Nickname.

(E/c) = Eye color + mix with a dark purple hue.

(H/c) = Hair color.


After the long battle, that took many lives. The fight between the demons and the slayers ended. The Demon Slayer Corps then disbanded, as they all began living a normal life.

There was no need to passed on the Breathing styles to their descendants anymore, especially the fact that there wasn't a need for it since demons didn't exist anymore.

Yet, three families decided to passed down their breathing technique, such as our family. The Kocho family. We sha'll continue the technique even if all the rest are lost in history.

Let the era be flown in peace, by using the breathing technique, protect those who can't protect themselves. For that has always been our mission.


Your fingers flip the page, seeing an old picture of the former hashiras. You smiled as you closed the thick book, putting it back into the shelf as you got up.

Dusting your uniform skirt as you grabbed your school bag, sliding it on your shoulder as you grabbed your phone. You've read that book so many times, the poor pages will fall off sooner or later.

You couldn't help yourself, it was just so good. Thinking how your ancestors must have given there all in that deadly fight, fighting those Upper moons and the Demon King.

A part of you wished you could have witnessed it yourself, but also glad you never had to see those demons in person. You shook your head, ending the daydream as you focus on getting to class.

Walking down the stairs, as you then got to your knees, facing the Japanese door.

"Mother, I'll be heading off now" You spoke softly as you waited to hear her response.

"Stay safe my child.." Before coughing as you flinch, deciding whether to open the door or not.

"It's okay, just a little cough my child, now go before your late for your classes"

"..okay mother, stay healthy while im gone."

You got up as you exited the door, sliding it shut. Your home is similar to the Insect Hashira mansion back in the day, just slighly more modern.

You walked down the stone path as you grabbed out your earbuds and phone, plugging it into the hole. Opening the music app you stroll for a song.

Humming to a random tune you pressed a song before turning the phone off. Glancing up to the baby blue sky, thinking how in just a few more months the UA exam will began.

Entering through the school gates, you remember today is your last day in middle school! Crazy how the years go by.

Yet the time of training in the mountains and honing your swordsmanship, it felt like time would go much slower when you train.

You then felt an arm around your shoulder, being pulled back to reality. "(N/n)!, sheesh in your own little world again huh?" Your friend spoke up, rubbing her cheek against yours.

Sakura, your only friend since Elementary school. You met Sakura when you were ten. She was getting bullied, the bullies finding her quirk stupid and funny even though in your opinion you found there's even dumber. You stood up for her, using your technique of Total Concentration.

Ever since then she stuck herself by you, even though she became popular oncs you two entered middle school.

She didn't care if boys fell for her, or girls wanted to be friends with her just because she was popular. She rather ditch all that just to be with you.

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