In the Forest's Embrace

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The sun's bright rays caress the forest green,
Each leaf and blade aglow with golden light.
A gentle breeze ignites the branches' sway,
While critters flit through underbrush with grace.
Vibrant flowers burst in colors bold,
Against the verdant canvas, life unfolds.

A red fox roams, his heart set on a mate,
With keen, observant eyes, he seeks her out.
Though many females cross his path, none spark
The joy he yearns for, still he ventures forth.

As daylight fades, he thirsts for cool relief,
The sound of water calls him, pure and sweet.
He finds a waterfall, a river's grace,
And bends to drink, the crystal drops revive.
With head held high, he glimpses, silhouetted,
A wolf against the sun's last golden rays.

Her strength and grace draw him, a quiet thrill,
Yet as she sees him, cautious steps she takes,
And runs. Determined, he gives chase through streams,
His small form weaving through the rushing flow.
At last, she halts, her den a safe retreat,
And with a pounding heart, he approaches slow.

Inside the dark, the wolf lies in repose,
Her piercing gaze meets his with wary growl,
Yet still he moves, his presence soft and calm,
And brushes close, a warmth against her side.
She senses peace within his gentle form,
And as he stays, her tension starts to fade.

Together there, in stillness, worlds collide,
Two creatures finding solace in the night.
The winds outside, a whisper through the leaves,
While moonlight bathes them in a silver glow.
They share a bond unexpected, tender,
In nature's wild embrace, their hearts align.

At last, the fox has found a kindred soul,
In cozy den, with grass and leaves, they rest.
They gaze, lost deep in one another's eyes,
And find in silence comfort, warmth, and love.
As darkness wraps the world in tranquil hush,
The universe conspires for their joy.

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