Chapter 6: Shattered Divinity

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The Celestial Palace basked in eternal light, its halls a testament to divine harmony. But inside Erlang Shen's palace, the once-proud god of war was sinking deeper into a darkness that not even the brilliance of the heavens could pierce.

Erlang Shen stood before yet another statue of Y/N, running his hands over its features as though trying to capture every detail of her essence. His obsession had taken root, and it grew stronger with every passing day. The statues filled his art room—no, his shrine to her. Each figure was more intricate, more perfect, but still not enough to satisfy the overwhelming desire in his heart.

Xiaotian, his loyal celestial dog, watched from the corner of the room, whimpering in warning. The hound's soft cries had gone unnoticed for days now, as Erlang Shen's focus had turned completely inward.

"She doesn't understand yet," Erlang Shen muttered to himself, his voice trembling. "But she will. She has to."

His thoughts kept circling back to the same torment: Azure Lion. The way Y/N smiled at him, the way she laughed at his jokes—it drove Erlang Shen mad. How could she share those precious moments with anyone other than him?

He clenched his fists. "I won't let him take her from me. She belongs with me."

Suddenly, there was a knock at his chamber door. He straightened, quickly composing himself. When the door creaked open, the familiar figure of Prince Nezha stepped inside, his sharp eyes immediately surveying the room filled with statues.

"Erlang," Nezha began cautiously, his playful demeanor replaced by something more serious. "You've been... distant lately. The others have noticed."

Erlang Shen scoffed, waving a dismissive hand. "Let them talk. I have more important matters to tend to."

Nezha's gaze lingered on the statues. "I see. You've been busy... sculpting. Y/N, isn't it?"

Erlang's hand tightened on the stone figure he was working on. "What of it?" he said coldly, turning away. "I'm merely creating art. It's a harmless endeavor."

"Harmless?" Nezha stepped closer, his voice lowering. "People are dying, Erlang. Celestial warriors, maidens... too many to be coincidence. And every time, you're conveniently nearby."

Erlang Shen's eyes narrowed. "You dare accuse me?"

"I'm not accusing you of anything," Nezha replied calmly, though his tone carried an edge. "I'm concerned. You've changed. This obsession with Y/N... it's consuming you."

Erlang Shen turned to face Nezha fully, his voice dangerously low. "You don't understand what this is. It's not obsession—it's love. Pure, true love."

Nezha's brow furrowed. "Love doesn't drive a man to kill, Erlang. It doesn't twist his mind until he's willing to destroy everything around him just to possess someone."

The air between them grew tense, heavy with unspoken threats. Xiaotian whimpered softly in the background, as if sensing the danger.

Erlang Shen took a step toward Nezha, his eyes flashing with a barely contained rage. "What do you know of love, Nezha? You—who are still a child in so many ways—could never understand what it feels like. To have found the one person who completes you, and to know that without her, you are nothing."

Nezha's eyes softened with concern. "You don't have to be like this, Erlang. Y/N is kind. She cares for you, but you're pushing her away with this madness."

Erlang Shen laughed, a bitter, hollow sound. "Push her away? No, I'm protecting her. From the likes of Azure Lion. From anyone who dares come between us."

Nezha shook his head. "Y/N is not something you can own. She is free to choose—"

"She will choose me!" Erlang Shen shouted, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I am the only one worthy of her. I am a god, a protector, and I will make sure she sees that."

For a moment, silence filled the room. Nezha's eyes flickered with pity as he realized the depth of Erlang Shen's delusion.

"If you continue down this path," Nezha warned softly, "you'll lose everything. Your honor, your place in the heavens... even Y/N."

Erlang Shen's face twisted in fury. "Get out."

Nezha didn't move. "I won't let you hurt her, Erlang. Not Y/N. Not anyone else."

Xiaotian barked loudly at that, as if in agreement. The celestial dog stood between them, watching the growing tension with anxious eyes.

"I said... GET OUT!" Erlang Shen roared, summoning his spear with a flash of divine energy.

Nezha hesitated, his own weapon at the ready, but he made no move to fight. Instead, he gave Erlang Shen one last searching look, as though hoping to see some glimmer of the warrior he once knew.

"I'll go," Nezha said finally, backing away. "But I'll be watching, Erlang. You can't hide this forever."

With that, Nezha turned and left the room, the door closing behind him with a soft thud.

Erlang Shen stood there for a moment, his chest heaving with anger. His hands were trembling, his knuckles white as they gripped his spear.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20 ⏰

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