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7. (Olive's POV)

"He was just like 'Oh I'll save them for later.' Ignoring the fact that I was being very nice!"

"Sounds like you were being the sadistic bitch a rare few have come to love."

I laughed, but it was a sad laugh. I missed her more than I thought possible... She was my best friend afterall.

"Sounds like you like him." Bianca smirked. I could picture her now in her flat. She probably sat on her bed, her back against the white-washed brick wall, her old fashioned phone wire curled up around her arms. Her obsession with that weird, old phone still remained a mystery to me. An image of an old oak book shelf filled my head, she had taken it with her from our bedroom we shared when we were kids. It was piled high with old books from all the places we traveled mixed with our favorite childhood books. The smell of those old pages drifted into my head and instantly a sensation of homesickness took me over.

"I don't like him." I muttered, washing away the feeling and replacing it with defense. And a smoke. "You wouldn't either if you met him." I said, a cigarette dangling between my lips.

"Hmm, let me guess. He's a certain unkempt bastard with a panty-dropping smile?"

The easy answer to that question would be yes. But the two days of knowing him showed me that he was coarse, selfish, and impulsive. His pleasure-driven personality kept him forever dissatisfied. And yet there is something in him that contradicts all that. Maybe it was the way he looked at me. I had been catching him staring at me on and off over the past two days. And the way those green eyes gazed at me... Even my narcissistic guard died down when I found him studying me in that way.

I chose to reply to my sister with a groan.

"You like him... You really like him." Bianca teased with a sing song voice.

"I do not! He fucking stalked me to a bar last night and was all 'oh he's not your type. I'm the real bad boy.'" I flopped back onto my bed, my phone balanced on my chest. "I don't know, Bianca. I don't want to start anything, for fuck's sake I just got here!"

"Ok then go hang out with someone else." I could hear her eyes roll in her voice alone.

"Did already. He left the bar alone... I left with, uh, Thomas."

"You've been there for two fucking days! Are you fucking kidding me?" My big sister went off at me. She loved to hear my stories, but they tended to catch her off guard.

"I know it sounds terrible, Bianca, but he wouldn't give up. He was very persuasive in the downstairs region." I sighed grabbing a tub of Chocolate Therapy ice cream from my mini-fridge.

"Well did you even consider, oh I don't know, letting the guy ask you out? Actually try dating for once?" She joked, probably getting out a pint from her own personal stash of Chocolate Therapy- it was our thing. 

"Which guy?" I questioned. My words were hardly in English because I had a massive spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. But Bianca understood and told me she was referring to Harry. Hmm... dating Harry Styles. The thought made my skin crawl.

"We both know I'm done with that." I shuddered then shrugged, "Anyway, he wasn't for me. I'm tired of having guys change everything just for me... Get a spine, twats, I'm not that exciting."

Bianca rolled her eyes and sure enough I heard her pop off a lid of ice cream, "Every single guy you so much as glance at falls in love with you."

"Not true." I argued spooning the chocolate into my mouth.

"Please," Bianca laughed, her mouth full, "You could throw up all over a guy and he'd ask you to do it again." I couldn't even hold back my rounds of giggles that followed.

"I mean, I'm not saying I'm jealous." She sighed, "I know you hate hearing it, but you're pretty lucky."

"I'm going to ignore that. I'm not lucky. Boys just find my mysteriousness appealing. If you could keep your lips shut for more than two seconds you'd probably draw them in just as easy." I teased.

"I've been with the same guy practically my entire life! A girl's allowed to dream." Bianca frowned.

"You're engaged. Even your dreams must have limits." I cringed. I didn't like the idea of marriage, or relationships in general, it was so bonding. However, I found Bianca and her boyfriend absolutely amazing and I envied her a tad. As a little sister I had every right to want to be her... To be jealous of her life. Well, maybe I wasn't jealous, but I sure as hell was happy for my big sister! 

"Not engaged yet!" She hissed as if her boyfriend was in the room. I knew for a fact, her having just relayed his schedule to me, that he was busy taking in the full University experience.

"Oh my bad, you're only in a six year relationship. It won't last at all." I rolled her eyes. My sister and I both were fully aware that sooner or later she would be destined for marriage.

Bianca giggled if we were together I knew we'd be all snuggled up. With a sigh she murmured, "I miss you. So much."

"We'll call. And FaceTime. So much so that you'll get sick of me." I laughed, at times I acted older.

"Hardly. Even I am obsessed with your presence." Bianca teased, "Don't burn down the school the first week..."

I snorted, "Guess I'll save that for the second."

Almost the minute I hung up, there was a set of knocks on my door. Annoying little rappings.

"What?" I sighed, it swung open to reveal my other best friend, Louis Tomlinson himself. His cocky smile played on his face, eyes sparkling just below his shaggy hair. He eyed the tub of Ben and Jerry's and my burnt out cigarette, but didn't question it.

"Some of us are going into town... Getting a few baskets of chips and such. Harry's been going on and on about my 'incredibly sexy best friend that I've been hiding away.'"

"Ah, incredibly sexy. I like it."

"You really made some impression on him." Louis rolled his eyes, "Don't let it get to your head, he has terrible taste in women."

I chucked a shoe at Louis, missing by a good foot. He laughed and threw it right back, hitting me square on my left thigh.

"Fucking wanker." I muttered, getting up to change out of this shitty school uniform. My shirt came off in one swift movement, making Louis trip over his feet and hurry to turn his back.

"Look, I know you're probably comfortable doing this with your girl friends, but you have to give me a little warning before you strip, Libs."

I laughed and covered my bra up with a loose, maroon tank top. Just as quickly, I slipped off my skirt and slid on a pair of jean shorts. Mockingly I stared Louis' down as he carefully peeked over his shoulder to see if I was finished, then the two of us ducked out to go find the other member's of Louis' motley crew.

"Ok, Jennie you know is lesbian, don't freak out when she starts making weird gay porn jokes or hitting on you... It just means she's drunk. Liam and Sophia will most likely be all over each other, pausing to say hi if you're lucky. Zayn'll try his 'bad boy' charm- don't you dare give in- and Niall will probably try to pick you up in some way too. Harry... Well, you've met him."

"Yes I have, and he's not the big bad wolf you made him out to be."

"He's a total angel, yeah?" Louis raised an eyebrow, nodding to where Harry sat with his arms around two girls. Slightly amused, I watched as he dipped his head to whisper into the girl on his left's ear, earning a giggle and a playful push. He could do better, she was too easy. He must've sensed us staring him down, for his eyes met mine and a smile slowly played at his lips. He unwound his arms from the girls, and with a know-it-all smirk, waved to me. I hid my smile by biting down on my bottom lip and shook my head, raking my fingers through my hair.

I turned back to my best friend and with a sarcastic nod echoed his choice words, "Total angel."

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