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Dad: So, tomorrow, are you excited or what?

Eva: Yea, sure

Dad: What?! Come on, think of all the things that could happen! You could bond with people like you!

Eva: Why do I need people like me?

Dad: Because you can relate to somone real! Our little Eva is growing up!

Mom: Have you said all your goodbyes?

Eva: Too late now, isn't it? Aren't you just the slighest bit scared of sending me off to a virtual camp for an unkown amount of time?

Mom: It's not too far away

Eva: It's in Germany

Dad: We live in England, it's not like we will be halway across the world

Eva: You're sure you're ok with this?

Mom: Of course we are, as long as you feel fine.

Eva: So sending me to a virtual reality camp to live with unkown kids for an unkown amount of time while I'm being monitored 24/7 to try and cure mental illness.... Sounds like a good idea?

Dad: I think you're worrying about it too much. Weren't you the one that brought it up in the first place?

Mom: You can't do anything now, your flight leaves at 3 am, so head on up and get a little rest, ok?

Eva: Ok. Night mom. night dad.

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