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Dad: *hands her a suitcase* Well, you're off! We love you.

Eva: I'll call you when I land, ok?

Mom: Ok you have fun

Eva: Ok. see you.

*mumbles of Eva's mother come from the other end of the phone*

Eva: Yea. I know. It's just down the street I don't think I need a taxi. Ok. Mm-hmm. Love you too.

Mia: I can't believe you'd get rid of me.

Eva: Oh be quiet. I've gotten rid of the others.

Mia: So now I'm your only friend.

Eva: I have Chloe!

Mia: but I'm the only one that understands you.

Eva: No. Chloe understands perfectly. I will get rid of you. I don't need you anymore. I'm not a little kid that needs her imaginary friends.

Mia: You're too weak to go without me, sure you don't want me?

Eva: Yes. I'm ready to be done with this. Look, we're here. My first step toward being alone.

Mia: You're gonna miss me

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