first dates

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Your first date with them.

Zayn would take you to a drive-in. It's quiet and you both have your own space. Zayn's idea was to sneak food from another place into the drive-in theatre, and luckily, it was a success. All you had to do was hide the food by your feet and throw your sweater on top of it while playing cool the entire time. It was a Disney themed movie night, so both of you decided to watch Hercules. During every song, the both of you would sing at the top of your lungs and it didn't even matter if the note was high enough to make your voices crack.

Niall would take you into his backyard, where a movie is set up on a projector. He decided to purposely choose a horror movie when he knew you hated them, only because he knew that whenever you'd get scared you'd have no choice but to hug him. The place was decorated beautifully, fairy lights surrounding the yard and a picnic blanket laid out on the floor.  He had even had some of your favourite food prepared. Every time you screeched, flinched, or got scared in general, Niall was right there. Instead of being hugged by you like he wanted, he would end up getting used by a punching bag because little did he know, you had aggressive reflexes.

Louis would take you bowling. Of course, like a gentleman, he refused to let you pay for anything as small as something out of a claw machine. Bowling was fun, and both of you did very good, but what you didn't know was that this was bringing out the competitive side out of the both of you. Every time you missed a pin, Louis would jump around laughing at you. Whenever you got a strike, you'd do a little victory dance which Louis would mock you for after he got a strike too. The other guests would look at you both as if you were fools who needed to be escorted out.

Harry would take you on an art gallery date. You'd walk around hand in hand, examining all the different pieces of art. Realistically, the main reason you both decided to go to an art gallery was to mock the art professionals, obviously in a fun-loving way. The two of you would purposely talk to one another in a French accent as you closely examined the different art pieces. You'd stand close to an art piece, showing it to Harry as he'd stand there focused on it, stroking his imaginary beard.

Liam would invite you over for a DIY pizza night. The two of you would have the kitchen to yourselves with calming music playing in the background. The lights were dim as they were there to set the mood. Liam had everything laid out, all the ingredients and such, even ingredients you would never consider putting on a pizza like apple slices or mustard. You were excited because you loved to get creative, so you admired Liam for doing this for you. He decided to add a little twist and have the both of you do this blindfolded, and you were definitely up for the challenge. Eventually things took a turn when you accidentally mistook liam's hand for an ingredient and put it on your pizza, his hand getting in all the mixed ingredients. This led to a food night in the kitchen, creating a big mess afterwards.

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