public displays of affection

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How they are when it comes to PDA.

Zayn isn't overly flashy with his affection in public, but he's not shy either. He prefers subtle gestures that show you just how much he cares. Whether it's a gentle touch, a soft kiss on the forehead, or an arm wrapped around your shoulders, he knows how to make you feel loved without drawing too much attention.

You were out on a casual date, enjoying a quiet evening walk through the city. As you strolled hand in hand, Zayn would occasionally brush his thumb against your palm, a small smile playing on his lips. When you reached a busy intersection, he stopped and pulled you closer, wrapping his arm around your waist as you waited for the light to change.

"Just making sure you don't wander off."

He teased softly, looking down at you with that signature twinkle in his eye. You could feel the warmth radiating from his body, and it made your heart flutter.

Niall is all about easygoing affection. Holding your hand, hugging you from behind, or sneaking a kiss when he thinks no one's looking. He's comfortable showing you love in public, and it always feels effortless with him.

You and Niall were spending the afternoon at a cozy little café downtown. The atmosphere was relaxed, with soft chatter and the smell of fresh coffee filling the air. As you waited for your drinks, Niall had his arm casually draped over the back of your chair, leaning in just close enough so that his leg brushed against yours.

When the barista called your order, Niall stood up, but not before pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head.

"Stay put, I'll get it."

Louis is never one to shy away from showing affection, especially in a playful way. His approach to PDA is lighthearted, filled with teasing and cheeky moments that always make you smile. He doesn't need a big scene, but he loves making you laugh while letting everyone know you're his.

The two of you were at a street market, browsing through different stalls. Louis had his hand intertwined with yours, occasionally giving it a playful squeeze as he pointed out quirky items, making jokes about each one.

As you continued walking, you stopped to admire a vendor's display of jewelry. Louis stepped in behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.

"This one would look amazing on you, but then again, everything does."

Harry loves to show affection in ways that feel natural and sweet, but there's always an underlying seriousness in how he makes sure you know, and everyone else knows, you're his. Whether it's a subtle touch or a kiss when he's feeling more protective, he doesn't hold back when it comes to making his feelings known.

You and Harry were out for a casual afternoon stroll in the park, enjoying the sunshine. The two of you had stopped at an ice cream cart, laughing as you debated over which flavors to get. Harry, in typical Harry fashion, couldn't decide and opted to get both of his top choices. As you were both sitting on a bench eating your ice cream, Harry glanced at you with a mischievous smirk.

"You've got a little something right here."

He said, pointing to the corner of your mouth. Before you could wipe it away, he leaned in and licked it off with a grin, making you laugh and roll your eyes.

Liam is naturally affectionate and knows how to make you feel comfortable with his touch. He's attentive to your needs, ensuring that his affection never feels overwhelming, always striking the perfect balance between playfulness and warmth.

It was a quiet evening at home, and you and Liam decided to spend some quality time together after a long week. You had just finished dinner and were cozied up on the couch, ready to watch your favorite show. As you settled in, Liam immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his side.

"Alright, let's see what kind of drama awaits us."

He said, grinning as he pressed a gentle kiss on the top of your head. You leaned into him, feeling completely at ease. Throughout the episode, Liam kept one arm draped around your shoulders while the other hand softly traced patterns on your arm. He would occasionally lean down to whisper something funny or sweet in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine and making you smile.

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