Part 5

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Karlie was busy putting the groceries away so Taylor could do whatever she needed to do before heading into the studio.

"So, what are you gonna do while I'm gone?" Taylor questioned from the living room; looking for her purse.

"I was thinking maybe I'd throw a party. Find some random people on the street to invite; I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to get people to come to Taylor Swift's apartment for a party. You know; nothing really crazy." Karlie quipped with a smile.

"Ah. Ha ha. Very funny." Taylor said dryly; walking into the kitchen. "Kar have you seen-"

Karlie pointed towards the counter with a smirk; Taylor's phone and purse sitting there.

Taylor walked over to Karlie and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "So are you going to behave yourself while I'm gone?" She questioned; wrapping her arms around Karlie's neck.

"Mmmm." Karlie hummed playfully, shrugging her shoulders as her hands settled on Taylor's waist. "We'll see." She said with a smile; a quick kiss placed on Taylor's forehead.

Shaking her head, Taylor moved to gather her things. "I have no idea how long I'll be gone. It depends how much we get done today. If things are flowing, I could be there pretty late. But I'll make sure I'm home to make you dinner, it just might be a late dinner." Taylor replied, feeling a little guilty for leaving.

Sensing her girlfriend's shift in mood, Karlie wrapped her arms around her from behind. "It's ok. I'll be fine. Take as long as you need." She mumbled softly into the back of Taylor's neck, once more placing a kiss there; assuring her it wasn't a big deal.

Reaching behind her, Taylor placed her hand on Karlie's cheek; lightly stroking her jaw line as she pulled her in for a kiss; silently thanking her for understanding. "I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." Karlie replied with a smile.

Smiling, Taylor slipped her phone and keys into her purse as Karlie walked her to the door. Taylor just stood there, not wanting to leave. She grabbed Karlie's free hand and started playing with her fingers.

Holding the door, Karlie smiled at her girlfriend's stalling. "Ok, go on. You're gonna be late and I need you to get your work done so you can come back home and make me dinner." She quipped lightheartedly.

Taylor let out a small laugh. "Hopefully I won't be too long. I uh... I guess I'll see you when I get back?" she questioned, finally walking through the door, but turning to look at Karlie.

Leaning forward, she placed a kiss on Taylor's cheek. "I'll be waiting." Karlie replied with a soft smile.

Blushing, Taylor turned and headed down the hallway. As she got to the stairs, she heard Karlie shout. "I miss you already!"

Turning around, she smiled back at the girl in the doorway. "I love you." She replied, blowing the girl a kiss before turning and continuing down the stairs.

Halfway down, she heard Karlie shout again. "I love you more!" Taylor shook her head.

'Not possible.' She thought to herself; leaving her building with a smile permanently plastered on her face

Walking into the studio, Taylor was humming a melody that had gotten stuck in her head on the drive over. Knowing she had some time to herself, she sat down with her guitar and started strumming the tune. Lyrics started flowing in her mind as she wrote them down on paper as fast as they came into her head. After about 30 minutes, she had written and recorded a rough version of the song on her phone.

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