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After 3-years. Inside the gigantic tree in far east. Erica is knocking at the door of AL while saying “Leader... Leader, leader.

AL open his door and he ask “Is there a monster?

When Erica say “No.” AL close his door immediately. “Please, can you please listen to me.” Said by Erica sincerely.

AL open his door again and he said “Talk.

Erica : Today, after i wake up. I had a vision about tomorrow.

AL : Why did you stop talking?

Erica : I know you will get angry if you hear about it but this vision that i had today it feel real.

AL : Is this the first time you had a vision?

Yes...” Answer by Erica. And AL reply “Tell me about it and i will response after i hear it.

And Erica inhale deeply and exhale and she said “Tomorrow, you will fail to protect the humans. So, we need the other Guardians to protect all the humans. Well, some specific Guardian to help us tomorrow.

When AL heard it, he get angry and he said “What!? Fail! I’m not going to fail. 3-years straight i protect the humans and no one died. Then the vision you had for the first time, you believed it but you don’t believe in me even if you see what i did in this past 3-years.

Erica didn’t response and AL talk again “Tomorrow, i will prove once again that i can protect all the humans on my own without the help of the other Guardians.

Then the tomorrow came.

Erica is in the top of the gigantic tree in far east and she is looking at AL outside. “He is outside since yesterday after I said what will happen today.” Said by Erica to herself.

Then from the atmosphere AL see something that is coming. “Whatever you are, I will going to kill you.” Said by AL to himself.

Meanwhile, inside the big tree in far west. “THIS IS BAD!” Shout by the Guardian who have a black hood. All of the Guardians was shocked to what they heard. “What is it?” ask by the Guardian in a blue dress.

We need to go now in the far east.” Said by the Guardian who have a black hood. “Ok, lead the way.” Said by the Guardian in a blue dress.

Then the Guardian who have a black hood feel angry and he started to run outside the big tree and the rest of the Guardians follow him.

When the Guardian who have a black hood was outside the big tree, he jump and he shout “Anger!

Anger = To transform into a monster.

Then the Guardian who have a black hood turn into a monster. Monster that have a head like a shark and a body like a gorilla and a feet like a crocodile and a tail like a snake.

All of the Guardians was amazed and some of them feel scared. “Get on!” shout by the Guardian who have a black hood. “Come on now.” Said by the Guardian in a blue dress while getting ready to get on at the back of the Guardian who turn into a monster.

Meanwhile, outside the gigantic tree in far east. “Here it comes.” Said by AL to himself. Then the creature landed on the planet and it speak “Lend me the souls of the humans for my future king.

The Creature have a face and a body of a human, and it skin is like a skin of a crocodile, and it have a tail like a snake, and it have a wing’s like a bird.

When AL heard it, he feel confused and excited and he said “This is the first time I encounter a creature like you.” Then the creature reply “And this is your last as well.

AL laugh and he said “Well, let’s start.

AL pointed his sword to the creature and he said “Sniper Point.

Sniper Point = A sword attack that pierce into the heart of the enemy.

The creature smile and speak “Did you attack? I feel nothing.

AL feel intimidate for the first time in a fight and he said “I can’t fail.

And the creature reply “But, you are doing it.

AL feel anger and he run towards the creature while saying “Thousands of destruction!

Thousands of destruction = A powerful sword attack that can crush anything from its range.

And the whole planet feel the first earthquake.

When all of the humans feel that, some of the humans started to run to the top of the gigantic tree and they see Erica and they started to look at what Erica is looking, and they see AL fighting a creature.

AL was shocked when he see the creature without a single scratch. “Your attack is useless to me.” Said by the creature. Then the creature pointed its hand towards AL and it said “Revert.

Revert = An attack that triple the damage from the last attack of an enemy.

And the whole planet feel the second earthquake.

When Erica and some of the humans see that attack, they feel concern about AL.

He’s gone.” Said by the creature. “Not yet!” shout by AL and the creature heard it.

And from a distance AL is standing. When the creature see AL, it feel exaggerated and it said “You are interesting.

Why am I stay alive?” ask by AL to himself. And he look at himself and he was shocked. Because he see himself wearing an body armor that is color blue. “This is cool.” Said by AL while smiling.

Then AL and the creature started to run towards each other. “Expulsion.” Said by the creature and AL speak too “Blast off.

Expulsion = A punch attack that can crash all the bones of an enemy.

Blast off = A sword attack that can slice the enemy into tiny pieces.

AL and the creature was shocked because none of them have a single scratch. “I can’t kill you but i will not fail my future king.” Said by the creature and AL speak too “I will kill you and i can do my duty as a Guardian.

The creature smile and it said “Tarry.

Tarry = To stop an enemy to move for 5 minutes using it’s tail to entrap.

Then AL can’t move and he said “What did you do to me?” The creature reply “I shall get the souls of the humans for my future king.

And the creature started to walk towards the gigantic tree.

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