St. Mungos

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James awoke with a start. He frantically thrashed in his bed, searching for his glasses and wand. Questions burned in his mind. What day was it? Where was Lily and Harry? Were they ok? All of these thoughts crossed his mind when a strong hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Prongs? Prongs? It's ok, mate. Here you go." Someone passed him his glasses. He looked around wildly and spotted Sirius eyeing him nervously. "James? It's me. Sirius....." James grabbed his arm.

"Padfoot....where's Lily? Where's my boy?"

"James. It's ok. They're here. Harry's ok. Lily.....she's in urgent care....they're not sure....I-I'm sure she'll be ok...." James slumped back into his covers.

Lily? His Lily? Surely he couldn't be talking about his love. It felt that just hours ago she had been ok. Happy. There was no way to put it other than that. They had been happy. He tried to pull himself from the nightmare he was living; but to no avail. James tried to stand up but couldn't do so. His body ached with such an intensity it brought tears to his eyes.

"Where's my boy, Sirius. Where's Harry." Sirius stood quietly.

"Pretty sure little Prongslet is with Molly Weasley in the waiting room. You want him?" He said in a gruff voice. James was so overcome by emotion that all he could do was nod. Sirius exited the room, leaving James to his thoughts. Tears slid from his hazel eyes onto his cheeks. How could he have been so stupid as to let Peter, Peter, be secret keeper? He always knew Peter was a bit off his rocker. How could he had been so naïve to put his family's life in the hands of that......that rat. James felt cheated. Severely cheated. His blood was boiling when Sirius walked back in, a chattering Harry in his arms.

"Here you are, mate. Here's Da- James?" Sirius looked at him worried. James sighed as he slowly brought his temper in check, though he could still hear his heart pounding. He unclenched his jaw and fists and held his arms up for the child. Sirius set Harry in his arms. James enveloped Harry in a tight hug. Tears ran down his face once again as he held one of the things that meant most in the world to him. The other, was somewhere in a hospital bed. Alone. Without him. James stifled his sob.

Harry had long since stopped talking and was quietly observing his dad. Sirius took the initiative to leave the room at this time, trying to convince himself that he wanted to give the father and son their space....but he too was wiping rolling tears from his cheeks as he leaned against the hallway.

Sirius padded softly down the hall. The date was November 3. James had been out of it for 3 days and Lilyflower.....she hadn't woken up yet. Sirius had dumbed down the condition she was in to James, knowing it could have been disastrous if he knew....though he did feel a twinge of guilt.

Lily had fractured her spine. They were currently trying to repair that but the healers had to be extremely careful with her. She was in critical condition. She had fractured part of her skull as well. It missed her brain by a matter of millimeters. The healers were working on that too. Severe bruising had occurred on her back and backside. All she had to do was wake up...but even that looked like it wasn't going to happen.

Sirius turned the corner to a door with a mark reading, "Potter, Lily". He opened the wooden door and slipped inside. She laid slightly propped on a pillow. The right side of her face was slightly swollen but much better than it had looked three days ago. Smaller scratches made their way down her face, also covering her arms. Other than that, it was Lily. Wonderful Lily. The mother of his godson and wife to his best friend. She looked almost peaceful, maybe in a Sleeping Beauty. Lily had read him that fairytale in their 7th year. Sirius had hung on her every word. Sirius sat in a chair next to her bed and buried his head in his hands.

"Please Lily. Wake up. James needs you. Harry needs you. We all need you, Lilyflower." He chuckled sadly. "Nothing's really the same right now. Voldemort's gone, Harry's a hero. The Daily Prophet is waiting to grab a picture of him haha. They're calling him "The Boy Who Lived". Can you believe that, Lils? Your boy?" His voice broke as he continued. Sirius drew a long strangled breath. "Lily, you have to open your eyes. You can't not wake up. James would die without you, Lily. He would die. Who would Remus read with? Who would tell me off when I do something stupid and irrational? Please, Lily. You have to get up."


Silence penetrated the walls as his words faded. They seemed to have no effect on the sleeping figure. Her room seemed to be closing in on him. He cried harder into his hands. She had to wake up. She wasn't going out like this (even though he knew she wouldn't want to go any other way). But he knew it just wasn't her time. She had things to do. Raise Harry, be a wife to James, friends with the other Marauders.....all except Peter, that prat. If he hadn't had to help James and watch Harry, Sirius would have gone to blow the stupid rat up. But it would seem that fate would not allow that to happen. Any time rage boiled in Sirius, a new job seemed to be presented to him.

Sirius glanced up from his hands, praying for Lily to open her brilliant green eyes and say some witty comeback to one of his stupid jokes or say how much she loved James or Harry. Something. Anything.

Again, nothing.


"Sirius has been gone quite a while...." James thought to himself as he read to Harry. The pain he had felt earlier was the effects from a very strong skelegrow potion. James had been shocked to find that three days had passed since being transported to the hospital, and had been sure to thank Dumbledore warmly when he came to visit.

It seemed a bit weird though to him that no one would give himself straight answer on the question of the condition of his Lily. Whenever he asked, the healers would just say they were trying their best. Now, if that didn't spark a bit of panic in his chest, he didn't know what would. Lily was his wife, his better half, his one and only. If he couldn't have her, he wouldn't have anyone.

November 7th was when he was finally released from the hospital. James grinned as he pulled on a warm pair of jeans and a dark maroon long sleeve shirt. He hadn't combed his hair in a week and it stuck straight out. Sirius walked James and Harry down to a cafeteria area where they were serving some small helpings of soups and salads. James grabbed a pumpkin juice and a treacle tart from the trays and sat down, feeding Harry who seemed to thoroughly enjoy his sweets.

"So, Padfoot, when will I get to see Lily?" Sirius gulped audibly.

"Well....I suppose we could see her right after this-"

"Perfect! We'll go after Harry finishes up his meal. Has Lily seen him since the.....the....." James didn't know what to call it. Betrayal? That seemed pretty accurate as to the events that had unfolded that cold October night.

"No..." Sirius whispered. James looked shocked.

"Wha- why?! You haven't taken her own son to her yet?!?" James asked incredulously.

"She hasn't woken up, James!!! She's....she's still out." James froze.

"What do you mean, "still out"." Sirius looked down.

"She never woke up after that night. She's alive...but she's not with us...." The ground shaking news hit like a ton of bricks. James set Harry in Sirius' lap and ran, practically clawed his way to the door. He scrambled down a couple of halls until he found the door. Her door. Her name marked in neat handwriting. He gingerly opened it, afraid of what he would find inside. It was Lily. His Lily. The love of his life. Her face was slack, calm and peaceful even. Not the panicked look of distress he had seen that night. James made his way quietly to her bed, tip toeing as if she could awake at the slightest noise. He sat in the chair next to her.

"Lils? Can you hear me, love? It's me-" his voice broke. "It's James. I'm so sorry, Lily."

Ok!! Chapter 2, what did y'all think? Give me some feedback. Thanks!

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