October 31st, 1981

664 21 6

James Potter was cleaning the kitchen. Lily was gone to get groceries and had left the task of house keeper and child watcher to him. He sighed as he waved his wand, moving the dishes to the sink.

"Dada!!" A young Harry Potter shrieked. He was reaching for the toy broom hung by the coats. James smiled, glad to have something to take him away from the grunge of house work. He grabbed the small broom off of the wall and picked the one-year-old up.

"Here ya go, Trouble!!" Harry squealed with delight as James set him on the broom. Just like that, he was off. Hovering 3 feet above the ground, Harry zigzagged happily amongst furniture and animal alike. James stood, proudly watching his boy fly.

'He's going to be a great quidditch player' he thought to himself. Just about that time, Lily Potter, James' wife, walked in the door carrying an unmanageable amount of groceries.

"Come on, Lils." He laughed, taking some of the bags. "Why'd you carry them all?" Lily Potter set the food on the counter and smirked.

"Two trips is for the weak, Potter." She said while shrugging out of her coat. "Nice to see you finished cleaning." She mused sarcastically as she looked around the still dirty kitchen. James eyes grew wide.

"W- Harry wanted to play!" Lily laughed as she came over and gave James a kiss on the cheek.

"It's ok. You're a great dad. Where is Harry anyway?" About that time, the toddler zoomed in sight, covered in toilet paper. Lily grabbed him off the broom and kissed his small head.

"Mama!!!" Harry grinned madly.

"Hullo, Love." Lily whispered softly. "Here." She said, handing James the child. "Get him ready for bed while I finish cleaning up. You can play a bit before bedtime. Did you feed him?"

"Course! That's what that is....." He pointed to a particularly dirty area splattered with baby food. Lily shook her head while smiling.

"Go ahead and take Harry upstairs and change him into his pajamas. I'll finish down here." James smiled warmly and pecked her cheek.

"Love you, Lilyflower." Sometimes she wondered if she was raising two children.

James headed upstairs with Harry and changed him into his blue onesie.

"Come on, mate. Let's play!!" James rushed down the stairs and jumped on the couch, holding the toddler above him. James tickled the child and blew raspberries on his tiny tummy. Lily couldn't help but laugh at the boy's tiny giggles. Harry finally yawned widely, causing James to yawn as well.

"How about something more relaxing?" Lily suggested from the kitchen where she was finishing cleaning the baby food mess. James laughed softly and placed the young boy on his knee. He took out his wand.

"Ready, Trouble??" Harry shrieked in excitement as James blew different colored puffs of smoke from his wand. Harry laughed jovially and tried to grasp the smoke his in tiny fist. James smiled widely, grinning at his pride and joy. Harry yawned once more and rubbed his tiny eyes with his pudgy fists. Lily smiled softly at her little boy and lifted him up.

"I'll take him to be-" There was a creaking at the gate. James grabbed his wand and stood. No one should be coming at this hour. He peeked out the window.

"Go, Lily, it's him! Take Harry and run! I'll hold him off." Lily Potter held Harry close to her as she panicked inside.

"James.....I can't leave you...."

"Lily, love, please. Go. I love you." Against her will, Lily took her only son and ran up the stairs. She opened the nursery door and let her tears flow freely. She placed Harry in the cradle and readied her wand.

Meanwhile downstairs James waited at the door. Suddenly it was blown off of it's hinges.

It was him. Voldemort.

"You are a powerful wizard, James Potter. And one of pureblooded descent. Join me and live." Voldemort crooned sinisterly examining James like a predator his prey.

"Never!! Now, stay away from my family!" Before James could even lift his wand, Voldemort send a nonverbal killing curse whirling towards James. The spell hit the wall above James' head, causing a series of debris to fall. A large chunk of wood and cement hit James in the head and crumpled him to the ground, supposedly dead.

Voldemort couldn't help but smile, that was too easy. He continued up the stairs.

Lily was barricading the room. She knew it wouldn't do any good, but she was willing to do anything. There was a crash down stairs and the distinct swish of a cloak. Lily's panic flared even more. She crouched beside the cradle of her infant son who was staring at her with big, innocent emerald eyes.

"Be strong, Harry. Mumma loves you, dada loves you. Be brave, Harry, be strong." She could sense his presence at the door and stood tall drawing her wand. He blew the door in. Lily stood tall.

"Get out of the way, stupid girl."

"No! Not Harry! I'll fight you!"

Voldemort chuckled sinisterly. "Very well then." He wasted no time flicking his wand so quickly that Lily had no time to react. She was thrown into the wall. Her pulse weakened from the impact to a small faint beat until it slowed.

Voldemort smiled as the infant sat in the cradle. Harry was crying. Voldemort sneered. The sound sickened him.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!!" The curse hit Harry but rebounded back on Voldemort. A piercing scream escaped his lips as he fled the scene, he was becoming nothing.

Minutes later, Dumbledore apparated to the Potter residence. He had received word that the fidelius charm had been broken and had alerted Sirius Black who was on the way. Dumbledore looked upon the wreckage of the home and cringed visibly. He swiftly walked inside. The front hall was practically blown up. A pile of debris was in front of the stairs. Dumbledore was about to walk by when he heard a faint cry.

"Help...." He stopped, listening intently, then he heard it again. "Heellpp....." It was coming from the debris. Dumbledore flicked his wand frantically, moving cement and wood from the pile until a very battered James Potter came into view. Dumbledore kneeled by him.

"James.....can you hear me?" Bones were obviously broken but he murmured a quiet,

"Yes." A sigh of relief escaped his lips when James suddenly said, "Upstairs....Harry and Lily....upstairs." He fainted on the debris ridden rug. At this time Sirius Black entered in a wild panic.

"Sirius!" Dumbledore exclaimed, "Watch over James and apparate him to St. Mungos. I will go search for Harry and Lily." Sirius seemed reluctant but was happy to help his brother.

Albus Dumbledore crept cautiously up the steps until he reached the nursery. This room in the whole house seemed destroyed. There was a gaping hole in the ceiling and a wall was blown away. The crib that lay in the center of the room though, was intact. Dumbledore hurried to it to find a young black haired baby boy crying intently and staring at something.

"Mama!!" The child was shouting. Dumbledore checked Harry over. He was clean other than a lightning shaped cut on his forehead. Relieved once again, Dumbledore looked to where the child so desperately longed to be. His breath caught in his throat. Lily Potter lay crumpled on the ground against the wall. She did not seem to be breathing. He ran to her and kneeled down.

"Lily? Lily??? Can you hear me?" She did not stir. Harry became more persistent.

"Mama!! Mama!! Up! Up!" Dumbledore felt for a pulse but could find nothing, panic rose in his chest. Thanks to muggle magazines and such he knew such a thing called CPR but it was tricky and he was not sure it would work. But Harry's woeful calls for his mother drove Dumbledore to try. After his second attempt, Dumbledore felt for a pulse. He was practically praying now that Lily would breath. He hitched a breath. There it was. Faint as ever.....a small pulse. Her chest rose in ragged, small, shallow breaths. Rising quickly, Dumbledore strode over to the crib and swaddled Harry in a blanket. He then Carried him over to his nearly dead mother and the three of them apparated to St. Mungos.

Ok!!!!! Chapter 1! What did y'all think of it?

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