4. In which I experience déjà vu and we attend a wedding

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Finally it was the day of the party. We spent the first day lounging about, the second day Tante Fleur showed us some nice furniture stores, and we bought some stuff for the flat, and then we prepared for the party.

Tante and Oncle were staying with their eldest daughter (Dom’s older sister) Victorie and her fiancé Teddy (they’re getting married in 2 weeks, so exciting!) while it was on, but they were sweet and helped set everything up (with Teddy and Vic, who, I might add, are both very good-looking).

We set up a big area out the back, spilling onto the beach, and hung fairy lights around, along with table filled with food, and a drinks bar inside. We had big speakers, so the music projected a long way, and changed the rooms so that nothing valuable could get trashed – Fleur put up a spell decreeing no one except Dom could go into her and Oncle’s room.

We all went into Dom’s room and got dressed up.

We all looked alright – like that crazy kind, where you’re so pretty that it doesn’t matter that the colours don’t match, and your shoes are a bit scuffed, and your hair’s a bit too messy – but it adds to the party look.

I wore a skater dress – the thick straps and top were made of black lace, and where a strapless dress would start, blue fabric came across in a sweetheart neckline. It pulled in at the waist, and then poofed out, ending a bit above my knees. I wore my floaty blonde hair out, and wore my worker boots (lace-up ankle boots), with a bit of mascara.

We ran out, and found that people had already flooded in (who opened the door?), and had the music, food and, of course, drinks going.

I took a glass of some muggle whisky or something, but then after one sip, I stopped myself – I needed to do stuff.

I finally found Cecilia – she was looking pretty punk beautiful, and my heart soared at the sight of her.

I ran up, “Ah, Hi?” I say lightly.

She looks at me, “Hi, Belle.” She smiles at me, “Great party!”

Wow, I think she’s drunk a bit already. “So, I’m really sorry about what happened…you know…with Pierre. I really miss you, and the others do too, so I was wondering, do you wanna spend the rest of the holidays with us, like we planned?” I ask gently.

“Yeah! That’d be great, and there’s no way I’d get home after what I’m gonna drink!” She laughed, and walked off.


Part 1: complete.

Now, part 2 of my plan – to set up Dom and Gabe.

I walk around, until I find Gabe.

“Hey, Gabriel!” I call.

“Hey, little sis!” His words are slurring, and I know he’s pretty drunk, because we’re twins, and no one recorded who was born first – Mum was in too much pain to think about it, and like, a week later when the nurses were asked, they couldn’t remember.

“Ahh, yeah. So, will you dance with me?” I act drunk – he won’t if he knows I’m sober.

“Sure thang! Wait here…ahh…” Gabe looks at the ceiling, as he tries to remember the slutty-girlfriend-obsticle-in-my-friends-happiness girl. “…Pretty!” He finishes with a smile, satisfied with himself for coming up with something. It’s obvious that she caught on though (not as dumb as she looks), as she looks annoyed.

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