7. In which we go glamping and play Quidditch

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We had arrived at the site, and I had to say, it was perfect.

There was a big Quidditch pitch in the middle of a clearing in the forest, but it wasn’t like most Quidditch pitches – it wasn’t all neat and clinical, but the goal posts were made of trees with holes cut in them, and there were a couple of small shrubs on the ground of the pitch, and it was all messy, in a nice way.

Then, off to the side, the five tents had set themselves up, spread out around a big bonfire, and that was it. There was nothing else in site for as far as the eye could see, and it was perfect.

Dom, Rose and I ran to our tent, giggling, and stepped inside to find it perfect, yet again – it was just as Dom had described, except decorated with Fleur’s impeccable taste. You stepped inside and there was a small area with some lounges and a bookcase, and then on the right wall and behind, was a small rectangular table, with an open plan kitchen on the back wall, and then on the left wall there were three spacious alcoves with big beds in them, with curtains that could be pulled across in replace of doors. There was a wardrobe and bedside table in each of these as well, and on the other side of the tent, next to the table, there was a nice, once again open bathroom area, that had benches perfect for doing hair and makeup on, and behind that three enclosed areas with a private toilet, basin, shower and little bench for each of us.

Once we had finished running around the tent and squealing like fifteen year old girls when they get to meet their favourite celebrity, we went outside to find the boys already tossing balls around and seeing how far they could hit bludgers, whilst Neala and Susie were also emerging from their tent with massive grins on their faces. They promptly ran over to Dom and gushed thank-yous to her Mum.

Rose and I laughed, and went back inside the tent to put on gear that we could play in.

“You ready?” Rose asked me, as we approached the boys, with Dom, Susie and Neala trailing behind us.

“I sure am.” I said, smirking.

~~We play quidditch~~

We were half way through the second game. Our team had lost the first game, just by a centimeter, when Albus had caught the snitch in front of Scorp. The two boys may have been best friends, but on the field they were fiercely competitive.

Rose threw me the Quaffle, and I swerved around Susie as she tried to snatch it from me. I sped on toward the goal, when a bludger came hurtling towards me. I saw it and let out a frightened squeal as I tried to swerve, but as I did, I saw James Potter was right next to me, and my brain just collapsed, in a similar way my body did when the bludger rammed into it.


I woke up groggily on the grass.

“Oh, thank God.” I heard someone sigh.

“Belle, I’m so sorry, I aimed for your broom, geez, I didn’t think it’d hit…” I heard Gabe say. Gabe?

He was the one who hit that bludger! I was going to have to get him back for that one.

“What hurts?” I heard another voice say gruffly.

I sighed. I wondered if James had caught me? I mean, I did hurt, but I think it’s only where the bludger hit me, and not on my back or something, which would hurt if I had fallen.

“Where does it hurt?”

That would have been really nice to have been awake to experience. James carrying me down to the ground. He’s so sweet. Wait! He bullied me.

But Rose said he had changed. Maybe she was right, I mean it wasn’t like anyone had been mean to me here, and they were all fine with me coming, and Freddy was on my team, and although he wasn’t a chaser with me, we still worked well together.

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