5. Isha Rathore

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Isha POV

Everyone left for India now I am all alone here in this house. I lay down on bed and the memories from India start hitting me every moment I spent with my dad and family . Without mine knowing a tear escaped from my eyes . For not getting those thoughts back I decided to take a nap.

After sleeping for 3 hours I woke up from bed and got  fresh and up and being fresh up I decided to complete my office work as it's my dream project which is going to come true so I have to work hard and make my dad and brothers proud.

When I was completing the project my phone pinged with notification and it was engagement pictures which Alex sent me. I opened them and saw everyone Shaurya, Mahima, Kartik, Ritik, Ansh with Raghuvanshi's. I don't remember Raghuvanshi that much so Alex typed me mine every relation with each pic of Raghuvanshi's.

When I was scrolling the pics there was one person who's back was facing to camera so I thought " Who is this person and why I feel like I know him or I met him somewhere"........ I was in my thoughts when my phone started ringing it was my PA John calling so I picked up the call .

After cutting the call I was in deep thoughts as John told me about the problems we were facing in India's project for which I have to go for India.

After battling from myself  I decided to go back to India and make my dream true .

I called John and told him to make jet ready as we are leaving tomorrow morning and told him not to tell anyone that I am coming to India. And told him to do it secretly and He and Rosie both  are also coming with me.

After receiving positive response from John I cutted the call and started packing for myself .

After finishing packing my phone start ringing and it was Shaurya's bhai video call so I picked it up and move to balcony.

Hey princess ...... How are you?....... Did you had your dinner? .......as I picked up call bhai bombarded me with questions.

Cool down bhai I am alright and had mine dinner and everything is fine
....... Don't worry......... I said making Bhai  little cool his temper..... Shaurya was coming from his jogging so he thought to call Isha as last night she slept in evening after texting shaurya so not to disturb her he didn't call but while talking to John he got to know that she is awake.

They both were talking when Kartik came in between and started talking to me about my health and about John and Rosie. As they are like our family .

We trio were talking when suddenly I remembered something and ran from my room to living room and when I saw him I got little relaxed Bhai were asking what happened to me than I make my camera to another side and show them so they started laughing seeing the scene......... It was mine dog Hulk sitting there cutely which makes me see him in aww expression.

Bhai byy now I am going to feed him his food take care love you and miss me .......I said to them and they replied ......Byy little chick love you and take care and we miss you everytime and have your breakfast on time don't be lazy ass ......for which I make face.......

After cutting call I fed Hulk his food and completed my packing and slept with thoughts of India.

So what you think will this time also it will be bad time in India for Isha? Do tell me in comments and give me suggestions.

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