Chapter 004: The Celebration

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Baekhyun's POV

The energy in the studio was electric after we wrapped the first part of the shoot. There was this collective buzz running through everyone—like we all knew something special had just happened. As the lights dimmed and the crew began packing up, I couldn't stop grinning. The shoot with Lisa had gone way better than I could've imagined. She didn't just step into the role of our muse—she owned it.

"Man, that was fire," I said, clapping Chanyeol on the shoulder as we both watched Lisa talking with Chen. "I knew she'd be good, but that was on another level."

Chanyeol nodded, clearly impressed. "She's incredible. It's like she's been part of EXO this whole time."

He wasn't wrong. Lisa had slipped into our dynamic so naturally, like she'd been there from the start. Her energy was infectious, and the way she worked with us—it was effortless. I wasn't surprised, though. I'd always known she had talent. But there was something about seeing it up close, seeing her in sync with us, that made it all feel real.

As everyone started winding down, I had an idea. We'd been working hard all day, and we deserved a break. A proper break. Something that would get us out of work mode and let us actually celebrate how far we'd come.

I pulled Suho aside, giving him a nudge. "Hey, I'm thinking we need a big dinner tonight. Something hearty. You in?"

He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "You're always thinking about food, Baekhyun."

"Well, someone has to! Besides, this shoot was a win. We need to celebrate." I raised my eyebrows, giving him my best puppy-dog eyes. "Come on, you know everyone will be down for it."

He sighed, but I could see the smile tugging at his lips. "Alright, alright. Let's do it. I'll tell the others."

"Perfect," I said, already whipping out my phone to look up nearby restaurants.

Within minutes, the plan was set, and I rounded up everyone, including Lisa, who looked pleasantly surprised when I told her. "You're coming too, right?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

She grinned. "Of course! I could use a good meal after today."

That's what I liked about her—no airs, no hesitation. She was one of us.

A short while later, we all piled into a couple of vans and made our way to one of my favorite spots. It was a traditional Korean BBQ joint, the kind with sizzling grills in the middle of the tables, a place that was always alive with chatter and laughter. The perfect setting to celebrate a day like this.

As soon as we walked in, the staff led us to a private room in the back—no surprise there. With the kind of attention EXO and Lisa attracted, we couldn't just eat at a normal table out in the open. The room was cozy and warm, with low wooden tables and the familiar scent of grilled meat already filling the air.

I took my seat next to Chanyeol, and of course, Lisa ended up sitting between Suho and Chen, which I wasn't surprised about. Chen had been chatty to her since the shoot, probably still riding the high of the day. Suho, on the other hand, was his usual leader self, but I could see him glancing over at her every now and then, a little too casually.

"So, Lisa," I said, breaking the silence as the food started arriving. "How's it feel to be officially initiated into the EXO family?"

She laughed, picking up her chopsticks. "Is this the initiation? I thought I'd have to do something way more embarrassing."

I smirked. "Oh, don't worry. The night's still young. There's plenty of time for embarrassment."

Everyone burst into laughter, and the mood shifted instantly. The tension from earlier, the nervousness that had lingered during the shoot, was completely gone now. It was like we were just a bunch of friends hanging out, having dinner after a long day.

The grills in the center of the table sizzled as we started throwing down strips of pork belly and beef, the aroma mixing with the sound of sizzling fat. I watched as Lisa expertly handled the grill, turning the meat over with ease.

"Looks like you've done this before," Xiumun. said, leaning forward with a small grin.

Lisa shrugged, smiling. "I've been living in Korea long enough. I've had my fair share of BBQ nights."

Suho chuckled, handing her a lettuce wrap. "Well, you're part of our crew now, so expect plenty more."

The conversation flowed easily after that—laughter, jokes, stories about past tours, and performances. Lisa fit right in, sharing her own experiences and throwing in jokes of her own. I couldn't help but notice how at ease everyone was around her, how naturally the guys gravitated toward her, each one trying to impress her in their own little ways.

D.O., surprisingly, was more talkative than usual, offering Lisa tips on how to cook the meat just right. Chanyeol kept making her laugh with his stories from our rookie days, while Sehun and Kai leaned in, a bit both quieter than usual but clearly enjoying how effortlessly she kept up with our teasing.

As the night went on, I could see it happening—the connection we were forming. Not just as artists collaborating on a project, but as friends. There was this unspoken chemistry between all of us, especially with her, that made the evening feel special.

"Alright, everyone," I said, standing up and raising my glass of soju. "A toast to our muse, Lisa, and to what's shaping up to be one hell of a comeback!"

Everyone cheered, raising their glasses. Lisa laughed, her cheeks slightly flushed from the drinks, and raised her own glass.

"To EXO," she said, her eyes sparkling with genuine excitement. "Thank you for making me feel like a part of the family already. I'm so excited for what's coming."

We all drank, the warmth of the moment settling in. I sat back down, grinning as I glanced around the room. This was what it was all about—good food, good friends, and the kind of chemistry you couldn't force. Lisa had come in as our muse, but by the end of the night, it felt like she was so much more than that.

And if I wasn't mistaken, the rest of the guys were starting to feel it too. Things were definitely going to get interesting from here on out.

As the night wound down, and we all sat back, satisfied and full, I caught Lisa's eye from across the table. She smiled, a small, genuine smile that wasn't for show. And for a second, I couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind.

Because for me, there was no doubt about it—this is just the beginning of something much bigger than any of us had anticipated.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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