Chapter 10

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He's name is Jason Dwell, the friendly new neighbor who was hot and had a nice ass. Well that was Abby's impression of him till that day at least.....sooo where do we start? The horrible sex or the fact he fucked Abby's dog? Hum.....okay let's start at the beginning of all this. It was 6 days after Abby's 15th birthday, she was super happy about her newly pierced ears, as she sat at the top step of her apartment floor. She was reading a magazine, looking at all the cute earrings from studs to dangles to hoops, wishing she had the money to buy them all! hearing foot steps in the level below she scorched closer to the wall to make way for the in coming steps. A warm husky voice filled the air followed by a gentle warm face, it was her landlord, Mr. McKnight, who kept an eye on Abby on some days when her mom was too busy to stop by the apartment. He was an elderly guy in he's 50s or so, mostly white hair at the roots, he walked with a bit of a slouch. But boy can that man cook! Abby was especially found of his chicken pot pies, it literally melted like butter in her mouth and the filling was so well seasoned, God thinking of all this was making Abby drool. She greeted him with a smile "Hello Mr.McKnight! Is mom not coming home today?"
"Hello dear! No she hasn't called me. I'm here to show this young man the apartment across from yours. He's looking for a place." He said moving a bit so Abby can see who he was talking about. The young man had serious eyes, from the look in them Abby could tell he's been through a lot, it wasn't till later that Abby found out what he went through and why he went through them. The young man smiled at Abby as he got closer to her and introduced himself as Jason. Soon after the meeting Jason moved in, Abby and Jason became great friends or so she thought....they watched movies together, had dinner together on some nights, he even took her to fun places like the movies and her first time at the amusement park. She was too innocent at the time too see the deep, dark lust he had for her everything was great one day. Abby's mom came home with a surprise for Abby. When the puppy was pulled out of her mom's bag Abby was literally jumping and squealing. It was a little 6 months old Beagle, it had brown spots all over its tiny body with little white paws and mismatched ears, one was white and the other was a light shape of brown. She named the dog peanut butter as the dog just loved peanut butter. After dropping off peanut butter her mom needed to rush off  back to one of her jobs, she gave her mom a kiss on the cheek before walking her out and locking the door. Soon after her mom left the secret knock Jason and Abby had come to the door, she got up with peanut butter in her hands opening the door showing Jason what she had just got.
Life was peaceful for a while after that Jason, Abby, and peanut butter did everything together it was a surprise that they weren't connected at the hip! Everything was wonderful till one day peanut butter disappeared, Abby looked everywhere and put up fliers through out the neighborhood, but nothing came back to her. She soon became depressed to the point of not even wanting to see Jason. After a good 3 weeks since peanut butter disappeared, Abby was finally starting to get over it. She decided to take her mind off of things so she went to knock on Jason's door to see if he wanted to see "Miss congeniality" for the 700th time. Reaching he's door she knocked the secret knock but he didn't come so she turned on her heel and just as she was about to step away she head a bark from inside the apartment. 'Jason had a dog?'Abby thought 'no way....I would have known if he did.....right?' She leaned her face against the door and the bark came again this time followed by a soft deep groan. Abby knocked at the door again and said Jason's name in a loud voice. No reply came but the door opened as if by itself, Abby took that as permission to go in. Once she was in the door, the door closed! Jason stood naked in front of the closed door.
"Gah! Omg! Jason! Put some clothes on!" She covered her eyes quickly a blush washed over her cheeks. Jason said nothing just walked closer towards Abby, she took a step back tripping over something she falls back wards onto the carpeted floor. Looking down at her feet she saw peanut butter laying there panting as if it had no energy. She reached over and grabbed the dog in her hands hugging it to her chest petting its fur. Jason loomed over Abby, she looked up to a Jason she has never seen before he had this scary looking face although he was smiling it didn't make Abby feel better just gave her a jolting awake. Jason placed a needle into Abby's arm before she had time to struggle she was out cold.
Blinking as she came to, she noticed lavender walls all around she sat up in the bed she laid in she looked around there was a closet with no doors, and hardwood floors, the room was fairly small it contained the bed she sat in a dresser and the closet. She moves to get off the bed and her whole body ached and she was naked.....she looked around the room finding a shirt and pulled it over her head with a slight struggle. She walked towards the only door in the room with the help of the walls, opening the door the sound of a TV came from down the empty hall. She walked towards the sound hoping to find an explanation to where she was and why she hurt all over. When she reached the end of the hall she saw something she couldn't believe, it was the back of Jason humping peanut butter who was laying on the couch helplessly. She let out a slight gasp of shock, her brain unable to process what was going on for a second. She saw Jason shake for a few seconds before he moved to sit on the couch breathing heavily with a small towel in hand cleaning his cock of any residue from what he was doing, he noticed Abby from the corner of he's eyes as he was doing so. Her brain finally decided it was time to panic and run, she bolted for the door. But Jason had longer legs and was also closer to the door, blocked the exit. Abby's eyes scanned the room for another way out when she noticed the window, she ran for it and looked out cursing as she remembered she lived on the 5th floor and the drop was very long with nothing but pavement waiting. Before she could make up her mind to jump a set of arms wrapped around her and carried her away from the window to her freedom and death, most likely. She kicked and hit at Jason screaming and yelling as loud as she can. Jason carried her back into the lavender room throwing her on the bed and tying her to the posts at the corners of the bed. She try to make it difficult for him but he was too strong, she really should have gone to the gym more often with Jason when he asked in the past. After Jason was done tying her down he climbed onto the bed between Abby's legs without a word he put he's face into Abby's pussy. Abby refused to moan or cry out for help as that would bring Jason pleasure, she knew that from a gut feeling she had he enjoyed the helpless cries of he's victims. She payed there biting her lip hard causing her lip to bleed. Jason got up and aimed he's now erect dick at her opening, with out warning he pushed in hard causing her to arc her back and scream as pain shot through her whole body.
He used her for days and days Abby lost count of how many sun sets she saw rolled down the small window in the lavender room. Every one of those days Tony would come in, in the morning feed her something to eat and drink, then walk out to put the dishes away, come back fuck her, go to work, come back feed Abby before leaving to go back to work, when he came home he would vent all he's frustrations from the day on Abby before making dinner and feeding Abby again. During the day Jason attached a catheter to Abby so if she needed the bathroom she can just go, good thing he was a nurse, and at night he put Abby in diapers, which he changed in the morning before breakfast. At the beginning feeding Abby was a pain she would not open her mouth for the food even when Jason did the choo choo train or the airplane, and when he did manage to get food into her mouth she would spit it right back out. To resolve this problem he brought home feeding bags from the hospital and showed the disgusting mush to Abby, she quickly agreed to eating but he keeps the bag of puree something on the night stand as if to remind Abby if she didn't eat he would pour that down her throat. One day a knock came to the door as Jason was feeding Abby lunch he went to see who it was, and the next thing Abby knew, her landlord came busting in shock at the sight of naked Abby tied to the bed. As he stood there in shock 4 police came in, thank goodness 2 of them were females. The female cops detached Abby from the bed and dressed her, even though she was feed pretty well her limbs were sore and asleep from being tied up all this time. Abby was returned to her mom and she went through therapy to regain the use of her body. Abby never saw Jason again after that, the apartment was cleaned and emptied out for new possible renters. Peanut butter was found dead when the police showed up, she was buried in the woods that were behind the apartment building.
Tony stared wide eyed in disbelief as Abby finished relaying the past between Jason and her to him. Anger came after the shock as Tony went from calm and quiet to cursing and steaming. Abby tried to calm Tony down with words but it didn't work she she kissed him to shut him up. After a few minutes of Abby's tongue exploring Tony's mouth he started to kiss her back, she let out a quick moan before she pulled back. "Better?" Tony nodded
"Good! All that is in the past now it was years ago I forgot all about it till today so don't freak out. I have worse stories to tell this one being one of the bad but not the extreme." She held each side of Tony's face with her small hands. "Really? Worse then this one? How can that even be possible?!" Tony wrinkled he's brow and looked deep into Abby's sad eyes. "Haha trust me there is somethings that are worse then that at least he fed me and kept me clean. He tried he's way of loving me....I guess.....though it's sick and disgusting he has he's reasons for being this messed up."
"You are defending him? Even after he did all that to you?"
"Well....I mean...its life right.....?..." Abby looked down into her lap. Tony picked up her head with he's finger and kissed her again.

Okay as you probably can tell I didn't get 10 comments so that's why this is late but did you guys expect all that?

No? Awesome! I have a messed up imagination!
Yes? Wahoo! I'm not the only weird one in this world!
Parts of it? I'm more messed up then you! Come now pick up your game!

What will happen to Jason now Tony knows the background story? And what could be worse the what Jason did to Abby? What kinda stories does Jason have under his belt? Well I will be answering those questions in the next chapter!

Hope you enjoyed this messed up chapter! Leave lots of comments! (Maybe? Please?) look forward to the next one and vote!
"Always remember that you are:
Stronger than you seem,
Braver than you look,
Smarter then you think, and
more Loved then you know!"
- Winnie the Pooh
~ May

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