Chapter 4

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Leaveanio's was a place where all the rich and famous gathered, the one place that came to life as the night deepened.
Tonight there was a soft candle light theme going as Abby and Tony walked in. The place was set up as if they were in Italy, red and white checkered tablecloths, breadsticks, olive oil, and the aroma of tomatoes and pasta lined the air.
Going up to the host stand Tony held on gently to Abby's hand as she walked a step behind him. After a quick greeting and stating he's last name Tony lightly tugged on Abby's hand pulling her wondering attention back from all the people that were spread throughout the restaurant. The host led the couple to a half circle booth that wasn't so noticeable in the place, the host left after handing them the menu and assuring them someone will be by soon to take their order.
They were sitting in the middle of the half circle at arms length from each other. Abby wasn't sure what to do as she has never been to a place where they used silverware that were so well polished that it dazzled under the dim light of the restaurant, the bleach white plate that sat on the table in front of her face was as if it was brand new, the crystal glasses at the top corner of her plate were so clean it had no smudges no matter how you looked at it, and to top it all off the blood red napkin that sat on top of the plate was folded into a beautiful rectangle. As Abby admired all the magnificent things in front of her Tony trying to get her attention back placed a big hand on her thigh, the feeling of he's hand sent surges of shiver through Abby.
"Abby dear are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Just s bit overwhelmed that's all."
Tony nodded "I understand. do you want to pick your own food and drink?"
"Umm.....who else would know what I want?" Raising an eyebrow as Abby look at Tony.
" of course. if you were mine I would make all your decisions from what you eat to what you wear. when you can touch yourself. when you can take a bath. everything will be under my control." He said as he took Abby's napkin from the plate opening it up he placed it on Abby's lap, accidentally he's hand skimmed across her leg making her whole body tightened.
"E..even what I eat?" Trying to get herself back together.
"Yes, even what you eat. now what would you like?"
A waiter dressed in what you would expect from such a fancy restaurant walked up greeting them and introducing himself "Hello you guys, my name is James and I will be your waiter tonight. Now what can I get for you to drink?"
Tony looked over at Abby, as she struggled to find the page with the drinks on it. "umm....I will take an apple martini please!" She said as it was the first drink that popped out to her.
"Don't you have work tomorrow?" Tony ask a bit disapprovingly.
"Yeah so?"
"Then no alcoholic beverages, apple juice for her please and I will take an scotch on the rocks thank you" Tony said sending the waiter away before Abby had a chance to disagree.
"HEY! You said I could pick! I would like to relax a bit. And one drink isn't gonna hurt me!" She pouted.
Holding back a smirk and trying to calm himself as the cute pout Abby had was making he's lower regions want to join the party.
"I did say you can pick but you have work tomorrow so no alcoholic beverages. Doesn't matter if you have one drink or seven it's still not good. Also if you can't pick something that's gonna be appropriate I will be picking for you."
"But you have work tomorrow too and you are getting alcohol! And my choices are fine thank you for your concern!" Abby said opening the menu, delicious pictures of food jumped out at her reminding her that she has not eaten all day.
"I do have work tomorrow but I'm the boss I don't have to go in. You choices are not fine you need someone to fix all your bad habits."
"Bad habits? What bad habits? I am perfectly fine with my lifestyle. I don't have to go in tomorrow either I can just call out!" She looked up from the menu.
"I can see lots already like how you probably didn't eat anything all day, most likely not even had anything to drink either. you also probably went to bed really late last night too. those are all bad habits that needs to be fixed and I will be the one to do it. and calling out is a big no no."
Before Abby had a chance to tell Tony he maybe right about all those things but she's now an adult she didn't need someone to "fix" her "bad" habits, the waiter came back with a pitch of ice water, glass of scotch with a giant ice cube in the middle, and a glass of apple juice on a tray. He took 2 of the crystal wine glasses away replacing them with the scotch and apple juice before he spoke "So have we had a chance to look over the menu?" He asked as he filled our water glasses.
Tony looked at Abby and she nodded.
"Go ahead then." Tony said
"Umm....I would like the extra large beef ravioli with cheese sticks." Abby said as the waiter made notes on he's note pad.
"You need some vegetables in that order a salad Abby."
"I don't want a salad!"
"Fine.....and a small Caesar salad thank you." giving Tony the evil eye as she added to her now rather large meal.
Tony nodded in approval "I would like the eggplant parmesan and a garden salad with the house special dressing."
Finishing taking their order the waiter walked to he's little station.
"Good you are getting the hang of how this relationship would work." Tony patted Abby's head.
Abby looked down in her lap playing with her fingers, but a small smile danced on her lips. She wasn't sure why but she like the feeling of being taken care of, it gave her unknown feeling that kinda bubbled over her in a way that made her smile none stop. She reached for her cup of apple juice taking a sip of the sweet juice rolling down her throat leaving tastes of apples in her mouth. Abby haven't had apple juice since she was like 10, it certainly brought back some memories, she took a deep breath to clear her head she didn't want to cry again especially not sitting in this expensive restaurant in town next to the rich and handsome man who has taken a liking to her, who would have guessed! It was only this morning she was sitting in bed wondering what to do with herself now that no one she cared about is alive.
"Abby? Did you hear what I said?" Tony asked bring her attention back, Abby wasn't even aware that tony had said anything before that.
" sorry I was thinking of a few things."
"I said tell me what you know about bdsm." he took a sip of he's drink not letting he's eyes leave Abby for a single second.
"Umm.....well.....not much I guess....I have seen a few movies, animes, and mangas. but other then that pretty much nothing."
"What about those friends you speak of?"
"Oh...well they just told me they are into it, that's all." Abby shrugged.
"No details?"
"No....I have no interest in their sex lives."
Tony nodded as their food arrived. Abby picked at her salad getting disapproving looks from Tony as she pushed the bowl away after taking two bites. When the waiter placed the ravioli in front of her she almost drooled. Not saying anything Tony took Abby's knife and cut her raviolis into bite size pieces. Abby watched chewing on her fork impatiently. She dug in as soon as he was done. Through out the rest of the dinner they had no more discussions simply eating what they had in front of them.
Nibbling on the last bit of cheese stick she had in her hand Tony spoke up
"Abby.....I'm gonna be straight with you. I think you are the girl I been looking for, and I was hopping you would give me a shot. but I must warn you I am not like any other guy you have dated before. my tastes are very.....odd.... unique.....special I guess you can say. and if you agree to giving me a shot I want you to know that I will treasure you and care for you like you have never been cared for before."
Finishing her cheese stick she licked her finger clean "....umm see I don't have relationships. I don't trust guys and I just simply don't believe in love. people only seek personal desires and nothing else."
"Hum....I agree with you on that to a certain extent. Not all people are the same. I for one think we would work well together. You need someone to care for you, and I need one to care for. don't you agree Abby dear?"
Abby's eyes turned cold as she sipped her apple juice. "I don't need anyone to take care of me I can take care of myself just fine thank you. And this isn't up for debate I simply don't do relationships. one night stands absolutely but no relationship. I don't have the time or energy for it way too much drama and effort to keep the other party happy."
Tony interrupted "well that's the thing in this relationship you have no responsibility what so ever all decisions are up to me, all you have to do is follow my instructions and enjoy being loved and cared for. you have no need to try and keep me happy because just with you agreeing to this relationship is enough for me to be overjoyed. I don't wish for you to be stressed about this, and this relationship won't be normal nor will it have any drama. it will simply be you following my rules and commands and there will be rewards and pluses that are given to you and if you don't follow or if you break one of my rules there will be a punishment. it's that simple. That would be the foundation of the relationship."
She took another sip of her apple juice as she processed Tony's words "so you are saying you want a relationship where all I have to do is listen to what you say and be submissive and that will be it?"
"Yes, can't get any simpler"
"Interesting I never thought BDSM relationships worked like that. but it sounds very fitting for me......especially right now where I am looking for a way to change my life in some form or way."
"So will you give it some thought and possibly get back to me about it?"
"..........Yes I will give it some thought."
Finishing her apple juice she placed the glass back on the table.
"Alright are you ready to go? You have work early in the morning I assume." Signing the bill as he spoke.
"Yeah 5am-2pm." speaking of work thought is sleep filled Abby's mind a tired wave hit her she yawned and stretched.
"Hum....well let's get going it's already almost 11. you must be exhausted. let's get you home and to your bed." Tony scooted out of the booth he got up dropping he's napkin that was resting in he's lap onto the table. Abby followed after careful of her dress.
They walked out into the night breeze hand in hand heading for the car that was awaiting them at the front door. letting Abby slide in first Tony held the door open.
On the ride to Abby's apartment she drifted in and out is consciousness, sleep taking over Abby's body as the rode in silence. When Abby noticed the car had stopped moving she was laying in Tony's lap he's hand gently stroking her hair. Quickly she sat up.
"I....I.....I'm soo sorry...." she panicked.
"Haha it all good I knew you were tired." he chuckled as he took an large orange envelope from the driver holding it out to Abby.
"What's that?" Taking it into her hands
"Some stuff that I would like you to read and know just stuff like rules and expectations, rewards and punishments, BDSM stuff and a few other things. Take a look at it and contact me if you have questions of not I will stop by tomorrow and help you move into my place."
"Move? Into your place?" A bit shocked as the words she hugged the envelope to her chest.
"Yes I want you with me as much as possible and living by yourself in this part of town isn't safe. now go on up I will wait till you are in then leave. take your time and read everything any problems or questions call me!"
Abby nodded her body and mind was extremely tired she had no energy to argue with him so she simply did as she was asked.

Okay well good thing I saved a part of this in my notes so I just rewrote the last bit it is now 3:30 am and I am going to sleep! Have fun enjoy the story!
In chapter 5 we will find out whether Abby is going to move in and accept Tony or is she gonna live her normal life and reject Tony. Also what kinda of rules does Tony have?(I got an interesting list in my head but we will see how that turns out) What kinda punishments and rewards?( hehehehhe😈)

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