The Lost Way : Shattered Dreams

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The sterile air in the courtroom suffocated Robert as judge's voice shattered the silence scattered in the court room, "custody goes to the mother, she may take the kids now, Mr.Wallington has to give 200k dollars to his ex wife" Sarah, his ex wife, her lips smiled triumphantly, her eyes narrowed, piercing robert with a victorious glint, with the feeling of revenge, her fingers interlocked, Robert's world crumbled but his face still a mask of stone, Sarah came close to him, her feet walking slowly towards him, a confident smile, greed dripping from her eyes, as the court dismissed, her voice whispered, words flooded with selfishness, "you were never enough Robert, you'll never be" Robert's heart shrunk, his fist clenched, his Jaw clamped, his eyes gave Sarah a stare.

As Sarah walked out, her eyes caught stuck onto Robert's high school friends, her lips parted, her words were poisoned arrows, her eyes flashing with malice, her contented expressions, "I won, I won the kids, I won the money, you guys couldn't do anything now, but cry with robert" her malicious smile, twisted cruel lips "I don't have time to talk to you, handle your friend" her heels thumping the ground, she left.

Mike's narrowed eyes, swelled with anger, his clenched fist ready to jump into the action but Jack's hand came from behind, tapped Mike's back, his voice gentle water, washed away Mike's anger "Mike, let's help robert first, it's not the time to get angry, be calm and let's be with robert"

Robert still standing still, his head down, his eyes blazing with fury, his memories replaying the words Sarah's mouth spilled, his fist clenched, his jaw clamped, his face darkened wanting to take revenge but his brain in an instant played voice of his kids, his memories of his kids running down the hallway, his arms still had the memories of his kids warmth. His eyes narrowed eyes now filled with tears, "hey buddy" Mike's hand tabbed Robert's back, Robert eyes flickered, coming back to reality as his gaze turned towards his friends, standing with love in their hearts, Jack's feet navigated him in Robert arms, his lips unsealed "I'm here, we all are here bud"

Robert's wall high, his face put the stone mask, his lips lied, "I'm all Good, just need sometime alone" his face lied, his mouth lied but his eyes, his slumped posture betrayed him, his feet traversed him to his car. Mike's glanced onto Jack's face, his lips opened, his voice shaking, his mournful tone, swelled with sadness, "I cannot see him like this, let's visit him and let's share his pain, let's be his family"

Here Robert's car's gate opened in front of his dilapidated house, the large windows, a big tree trying to match with the height of the house, the pond in front sending soothing sounds, the tree moving slowly to provide some fresh air, the backyard was empty today, but kids used to play there, Robert's arms moved towards the swing where his 7 year old daughter used to play, the swing creaked in the silence, a haunting reminder of a beautiful laughter lost.

His backyard ones was a vibrant place, now remains abandoned, the football which used to fly in the air as his son used to kick it, but now its just still, the chuckles were still there, haunting Robert's mind.

His hands glided over the staircase, feeling the joy of sprint of his kids, now lay silent. As his feet moved upwards, towards his wife's room. Her presence were just in photos, her venomous words replaying in his mind, the bite of his insults. His rage broke all the photos of her, sadness took over the whole place, the ambience become toxic.

As the loud horn blasted, Robert's ears perked up, and the sound of laughter and chuckles followed, infusing the air with warmth.

He sprinted towards his house entrance, the wooden floor creaking beneath his feet.

As he flung open the door, familiar faces broke into smiles. Mike's eyes crinkled at the corners, Jack's grin stretched wide, and Rachel and Maria's faces radiated concern mixed with warmth.

Rachel and Maria approached, arms laden with baskets overflowing with fresh groceries – crisp lettuce, juicy tomatoes, and vibrant vegetables – and what looked like a homemade pie.

The aroma of freshly baked goods wafted in, mingling with the scent of cut grass and autumn leaves.

Robert's face relaxed into a warm grin, and his shoulders unwound as he welcomed his friends.

His face questioned, his eyes widen, his mouth left open, his gaze moved to everyone, his lips opened, words heavy with confusion "g..guys wha...what's going on?" Mike's radiant smile, his hands moved to his front shoulders, he looked into his eyes, his lips opened and sadness swept and kindness again scattered "friends are here to become your family, let's celebrate, let's cheers to New life, and for a new upcoming wife bud" everyone laughed, Robert's face smile a bit, Jake's arms wrapped robert, everyone hugged him, showed him love.

(Lunch time)

Everyone eating the tasty, mouthwatering food, Mike's lips parted as soon as he put the first bite of resplendently cooked mushrooms, "Maria, you and Rachel did a great job" his neck moved upwards, his teeth slowly chewing the food, savoring every second, it was just same as if life's all the beautiful moments were served on his plate.

Maria's teasingly interrupted, "Don't talk while eating" everyone laughed, Robert's lips stayed still, no smile, no expression over his face, Everyone's smile faded as their eyes moved onto Robert's face.

Jake instantly stuttered "Robert, do you remember our old school days, when I and Mike used to sit with you, remember teacher John caught you running in the class. Mike's lips curved, as his memory dove deep into past, his lips opened, teasingly, "no Jake, how Robert would remember, he used to sit with his girlfriend Helen" everyone laughed, Mike gave a high fie to Jake, a smile but a little one appeared over Robert's face. His eyes softened with nostalgia washing over his face.

The end

What was his story with Helen?? Why happened with them???

To know Stay tuned

Love y'all

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