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The morning sunlight filtered through the thin curtains, casting a soft glow over Seonghwa’s small, tidy room. He blinked awake, rubbing his eyes and rolling over to check the time. 6:30 AM—right on schedule. He never needed an alarm. His body had grown accustomed to the rhythm of early mornings, even if he still struggled to leave the warmth of his bed.

With a soft sigh, Seonghwa pushed himself up and stretched, feeling the stiffness in his limbs ease. The house was quiet, just how he liked it. It gave him time to think, to gather his thoughts before the day ahead. His parents wouldn’t wake for another hour, giving him just enough time to enjoy some peace.

He slipped into his school uniform, the familiar fabric bringing a sense of routine that comforted him. After brushing his teeth and running a hand through his dark hair, he headed downstairs.

The kitchen was bathed in soft morning light as Seonghwa quietly prepared a simple breakfast—toast, a boiled egg, and a cup of green tea. The repetitive motions of buttering his toast helped ease the nervous energy that always seemed to linger at the start of the day.

Sitting down at the kitchen table, Seonghwa took a slow sip of tea, letting his mind drift. Today would be just like any other—school, hanging out with his small group of friends, and heading home to study. Simple, predictable. And that’s exactly how he liked it.

Seonghwa finished his breakfast, washed the dishes, and grabbed his bag, heading out the door for another day at school.

The cool morning air greeted him as he made his way down the quiet street, the sound of his footsteps the only noise breaking the stillness.

To anyone watching, he was just an ordinary high school boy—kind-hearted and shy, always polite and reserved. But inside, Seonghwa’s heart felt heavy with a secret he could never share.

It wasn’t that Seonghwa didn’t understand himself—he did. He had known for a while now that his feelings were different from what his parents and most people around him expected.

While many of his friends were starting to talk about girls, Seonghwa found himself drawn to boys instead. He knew he was gay, and deep down, he accepted that part of himself. But in his home, where conversations about people like him were always met with scorn and judgment, it was a truth he could never reveal.

His parents often made hurtful remarks during family dinners, throwing around words that stung like daggers. They talked about how being gay was unnatural, a shameful choice, something to be ridiculed and avoided.

Seonghwa would sit silently, nodding along, even though every word felt like it was pushing him further into hiding. He never argued or spoke up because he was terrified of what would happen if they knew the truth.

Would they still love him, or would they look at him with the same disgust they reserved for the people they spoke about with such disdain?And what about his friends? If they found out, would they look at him differently? Would they pity him? Or worse, abandon him completely?

It was this fear that weighed on Seonghwa every day, the fear of losing his parents, his home, his friends. He couldn’t bear the thought of being rejected by the people he loved most, so he buried the truth deep inside, pretending to be someone he wasn’t. But as time went on, the secret became harder to hold onto, and the question that haunted him remained: How long could he keep pretending before everything came crashing down?

He shook off the thoughts as he approached the school gate, forcing a small smile as he spotted his friends, Yunho and Wooyoung, waiting by the entrance. But something felt off—Yeosang wasn’t with them like usual.

“Morning, Seonghwa!” Wooyoung called out, pulling him into a playful hug. Yunho grinned, giving him a light pat on the back.

Wooyoung is the loud, extroverted friend that everyone at school seems to know

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Wooyoung is the loud, extroverted friend that everyone at school seems to know. His energy fills every room, and his sharp, witch-like laugh is so intense that sometimes Seonghwa and the others have to cover their ears. But behind that wild exterior is a sensitive heart. He might come off strong with his words, and no one can stop him from shouting or throwing hands when someone messes with his friends, but that’s just Wooyoung’s way of showing he cares. He’s the one who causes the most trouble, but at the end of the day, we wouldn’t dream of leaving him behind—we love him too much.

“Where’s Yeosang?” Seonghwa asked, glancing around for their friend. It wasn’t like Yeosang to not wait for him at the gate.

“He said he’ll meet us directly in class today,” Yunho replied with his usual calm smile. “Something came up, but he’s fine.”

Yunho is a kind and gentle soul, always calm and full of positive energy

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Yunho is a kind and gentle soul, always calm and full of positive energy. His tall, comforting presence and constant, warm smile make people feel safe and at ease around him. He's the type of friend who is always there to help, offering support with a soft, understanding approach. Yunho’s kindness isn’t loud, but it’s deeply felt by everyone who knows him. His smile brightens any room, and he creates a positive atmosphere wherever he goes. His friends often look to him for comfort and reassurance, and his always-smiling, caring nature makes him well-liked by both boys and girls at school.

Seonghwa nodded, a bit of the worry still lingering in the back of his mind, but he chuckled softly as Wooyoung cracked a joke, and they headed inside. For a brief moment, the weight on his chest lifted, replaced by the warmth of their friendship.

But even as he laughed along with them, a small part of him couldn’t stop wondering—how long could he keep this secret buried? How long before it all unraveled?


"This is how the first chapter begins, and I will introduce more characters as the story continues. Yes, new characters will appear in the middle of chapters as well."


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