Chapter One

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It was simple. All I had to do was seduce one of the richest men in the city. Easy right? I thought so. I had done this time and time again, used my mind, my body, anything I had in order to seduce men all over the country. For what? Well, for Rory. The man I loved most in the whole world. The only man who had ever shown me a morsel of attention, albeit, bad attention. Rory was my boyfriend, I'd been with him for 10 years. Met him fresh out of school at 16, after I left my father's abusive hands to seek shelter elsewhere. Leaving one man's abusive hands for another. It is true what they say after all, those who are starving will eat anything. I knew Rory loved me, really loved me. Which is why I would do anything for him. I worked hard for Rory. I was quite good at exchanging my body over and over for money, information, documents, jewellery and anything else that he required me to. The more I worked, the harder I got what Rory and his men wanted, the more I would be loved by him. Rory heads up a group of people who like to think of themselves as vigilantes. Really they're just thieves. Jealous, bitter men who can't stand the fact that there are more powerful, wealthier people out there than them. People who have earned their money through hard work and sacrifices. Rory didn't see it this way though. He saw it his life's duty to take people down. He'd do whatever he could, too. Blackmail, threaten, attack infrastructure. His favourite story to regale was the one where he made me sleep with a married man who owned a FTSE 100 company. I wasn't sure at first, I'd never got involved with a man so high profile before. At first I had tried to refuse, tried to help him come up with a new plan, but Rory didn't like that and instead watched as he ordered two of his closest men to beat the living shit out of me. It was the worst beating I'd ever taken, and then he beat me again because he was angry that he had to push back his plan by a few weeks to allow for my injuries to heal. Anyway, he made me sleep with this man, and then got one of his men to break in whilst I was doing so and take photos. What I didn't learn until later was that they'd filmed it too. They then threatened to leak the photos all over the internet if the man didn't pay out a large sum of money. It turned out that the man had once been married to his mum, and had screwed them both over when he left her for his secretary. It worked too, the man ended up paying nearly £500k to Rory. I remember the night they got the money, they were so excited. Rory and his men celebrated. I sat in the corner of the warehouse that we lived in, looking on as they all drank beer after beer. Knowing that Rory had photos of me in bed with another man made me feel sick. That night when Rory came to bed, he told me that if I didn't have sex with him he'd send that video to everyone he knew. That was the night I knew I had to leave. I knew I wouldn't survive this any longer if I didn't. But I had no one, and nothing, which as you can probably imagine makes it quite hard to leave a situation like this.
I never researched the men, I found it better that way. Besides, I couldn't even if I had wanted to. I had no mobile phone (Rory always said I could just use his, I didn't need my own), I had no laptop I could access and no real connections to the world outside of this little life I lived. Plus I just didn't really care. I didn't care to know about their wives, or children, where their money came from, about the mothers they had come from. I simply performed. Sometimes, more often than I allowed myself to think about, I didn't get the chance to perform. I had no control. Sometimes, more often than I allowed myself to think about, these men took from me what they wanted. Taken, not given. Some of the men were stupid, offering up information, money, access to locked office doors to me before I had even removed an item of clothing. Those times relieved me, the dread leaving my body. Others were smart, they were guarded, they took what they wanted first. The worst times were the times that they took all they wanted and gave nothing in return. Back home to an angry Rory I would return, no chance to explain, no forgiveness. Rory and his men would make light work of me in those instances. Eventually, it got to a point where it was rare if I went a day without a new bruise on my wrists, throat, cheeks. It didn't matter though, because Rory loved me. And I loved Rory. That's what he's always said, anyway.
It was March, I wasn't sure of the exact date. They had been planning this for weeks, and tonight was finally the night. I had no idea why this man was of such high importance, I assume only because he was one of the richest men in the city. Rumour had it, according to Rory, that he was the richest man in multiple cities and he wanted in. He wanted his secrets, he wanted his money and he wanted his downfall.
The plan was simple, or so I thought. I had a waitressing job, tonight, at some charity gala event in London. A room full of society's richest, most powerful business men and women. Rory had got me the job through an agency, not bothering to account for the fact that I had never been a waitress in my life, let alone at an event this prestigious. In fact, I'd never had a job. Ever. Rory said I didn't need one. And he was right, why did I need a job when he looked after me? Rory had been careful in the weeks leading up to this not to leave any new marks on my body, at least not anywhere visible. I always felt anxious, nervous in these situations, but tonight I felt even worse. Tonight I was going to meet Arlo Morrone, tonight was the night I had to get his attention, no matter how fleeting, the goal was really simple. Get his attention, get myself into his brain. "Flirt, smile, top his drink up more than others, fawn over him if you have to" Rory ordered at me, as I was getting ready to leave the warehouse building we currently lived in. Then, once I was sure he had noticed me, I was to meet Rory and his men outside, round the back where the service entrance was. He'd suggested if I looked like I'd been attacked, and managed to find Arlo after the event, he might take pity on me. I'm used to this. How many times have these men used me to their advantage, Rory I could put up with. But his men, that was worse. I always thought Rory hated it when they touched me. Now he looks the other way. Even outside of a job I know to shut up and take whatever they want to force upon my body. It seems to please Rory, seeing me perform for him and his men, like a puppet on a string, I always allowed it, for Rory looked after me, he saved me from my dad. I loved him.
The ball was in a large room, decorated with ornate cornices throughout. Large chandeliers hung from the ceiling, lighting up the crisp white tables below. Music hummed softly in the background as the room swelled with the chatter of people. The room stunk of money. I was wearing a crisp white shirt, a short grey skirt and black tights. My shoes were five inch heels that not only could I not walk in, I couldn't wait to take off. In my left hand, a champagne bottle, the condensation sliding down the neck, making it slippery and uncomfortable to hold. Then, almost as if the fog was clearing, I saw him, immediately. Whether it's because I knew how to spot a target in a room or whether he isn't hard to miss in a room this full, I wasn't really sure. He stood at an easy 6ft 5. Maybe taller. Definitely taller. He was dressed in a black velvet dress suit and his hair was neatly styled. His cuff links glinted in the light emanating from the candles on the surrounding high top tables as he shook the hands of men equally as important as him. His white, bright teeth flash as he smiles in greeting, bending down to kiss the cheek of woman after woman, each more beautiful than the last. In his right hand was a champagne flute, and honestly, to my relief and pleasure, it was empty. I walked slowly over to him, avoiding eye contact, until I was stood to his side. Slowly, careful not to drop the whole thing, I lifted the champagne bottle, the luxurious gold liquid poured down into his glass. He looked down at his glass mid conversation, briefly looking up at me, his eyes looked like they were searching deep within mine, nodding in thanks. I quickly walked away.
I repeated this action a total of four more times, before the guests were slowly seated at their large round tables, ready for an evening of bidding, eating and spending. Now it was my time to put my final plan into action. I know he had noticed me, every time I refilled his glass he always nodded at me in thanks, making eye contact with his dark brown eyes. But I watched, and when other waitresses refilled his glass, he barely even noticed them, continuing his conversations without so much as a look in their direction. I didn't allow myself to be flattered. I don't think men ever looked twice at me because I was anything worth looking at. They could probably sense how tragic I was. People think tragedy is contagious, so they'll avoid tragic people at all costs.
"Red or White Sir?" I asked him, leaning down so that my breath fanned across his ear. I felt him go rigid in his seat, which scared me slightly, and without turning to look at me he responded in a low tone "Red, always." So I lifted the red wine bottle, poised above his glass, but this time when I poured, I made sure I missed. Red wine splashed down into his lap, flicking up over his white dress shirt, splattering the table cloth in front of him. I was shocked myself at how far that red wine spread. He reacted quickly, I couldn't tell if he was angry, I imagined so. He stood up, grabbing the neck of the wine bottle in one smooth move from my hands before slamming it down on the table. People on the surrounding tables were looking.  I gasped, not even having to act. I was terrified. "I am so sorry Sir, I don't know what happened, I just..." "Enough said" he interrupted and then stepped around me, walking towards the corridor that lead to the men's toilets. My job here was done.
I already knew what was coming as I walked over to Rory. I could see that look in his eyes. "Did he notice you?" Rory spat at me. I nodded in response, knowing he didn't care for the details. Before even allowing me to stop, Rory landed a hard punch to my nose. I could instantly feel the blood pouring, the metallic taste forming on my lips, the sharp pain searing through my face and up into my head. I felt sick and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for what I knew was about to follow. I knew exactly how it was about to go, I always do, I am so used to it by now. Rory worked fast, I'll give him that, he usually gets it over and done with. He isn't the type of man who drags it out. He's too lazy, and impatient to make me suffer for long, but he does work hard, as the three other men look on, keeping watch down the alley. Eventually Rory is done, and he and his men climbed back into their car. Before they drove off Rory hesitated, looked down at me, from where I was crumpled on the floor. He looked so disgusted in me, the irony, seeing as he was the one who made me disgusting. "Get the job done Sophia, and make sure I can always reach you" then he threw a mobile phone at my chest, slammed the car door and sped off onto the main street. If I knew anyone, had anyone, other than Rory, I might have considered using the mobile phone laying on my chest to ring someone for some help. But who would come and help me. I didn't have any family any more, I had no friends. I wouldn't even know the number of anyone to call apart from 999, and I couldn't do that.
I remained on the floor for a little while. The pain ebbing and flowing through my entire body. Maybe if I sat there long enough someone would come across me, but I knew I have to act fast. I needed to get my plan in motion before it was potentially too late. I looked at the time on the phone screen, 23:22. They would be leaving shortly. Cars were already lined up on the street outside, drivers waited patiently for their bosses to pour out into the night. I didn't know which car was his, or if he even had one, or if he was even still inside the event. I knew it entirely possible that he could have left after the drink was spilt. Finally, I got up, wincing, braced myself against the wall for support, and made my way down the side alley, hiding just out of sight but so that I could still see the guests leaving the event. Then, there he was, walking towards a black Mercedes. He was alone, no heavenly woman on his arm, no bodyguards or security. Just him, which surprised me, and still dressed in the same dress suit as earlier, however now adorned with the red wine stains that I put there. The streetlamps cast pockets of light down on the pavement below, lighting up sparkly handbags and shoes, white teeth and glittering jewellery as people kissed each other on cheeks, embraced in hugs, men clapped the back of another, before all getting into their cars and driving back to their sprawling mansions. Back to their cosy lives. I could see how much of the wine I had actually poured on him, I laughed to myself, impressed with my work. It had to be now or never, I had to stake out my next moves carefully, otherwise all of this would be for nothing. This time, my life depended on it. I watch as he climbed into the car and the driver pulled out, ready to head straight on towards the centre of the city. I needed to track that car. I needed to stay close. I started walking, quickly. As quickly as my  bruised or broken ribs would allow for until I was further ahead than the traffic he was now stilled in. Passing strangers stared at me, some asked if I was ok. I ignored them all, keeping my gaze head. There is no way any of these strangers actually cared about me, no one ever had before. A zebra crossing, that is what I was headed towards, ready to be stood in the exact right spot at the exact right moment, praying and praying that he would be looking out of the window, into the night, where I would be stood. In all of my battered glory.
For it was true, I did have a plan tonight, but not that of Rory's. No. I had a plan tonight for myself. Escape. And how do you escape when you have nothing? You find someone who has everything. Rory had led me right to a man I knew could help, all I had to do was make this man think I was worth saving...

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