Chapter 3

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Caleb's POV
Ugh, finally! It's finally over! Now, I can hang out with my girlfriend, friends, and apparently the new girl too. I met everyone at the main entrance and we started to walk and talk to the Silver Dragon.
Cornelia:"So, Zay where are you from?"
Zay:"Foster home in New York."
Caleb:"What's a foster home?"
Zay:"It's a place where orphaned kids can live. Where the kids have no one to look after them, so the state puts them up in houses where people agree to house the kids. Of course they get payed every month for taking care of a kid."
Will:"What happened to your parents?" The snow started to come down, but really lightly. Making it just a little bit colder than before.
Zay:"I'm a DSB."
Irma:"A what?"
Zay:"DSB. Door Step Baby. I was left on the doorstep of a firehouse in New York when I was just a little baby. They couldn't find anyone that I belonged to. So I ended up in foster care. I've jumped from house to house all of my life. I was really young too. Just a few days old. The way they could tell was because of how small I was. I was premature. I was born before I was supposed to. When they saw my size they knew I was a premature baby, so they knew I hadn't been alive very long. I was just adopted by a firefighter who was actually at the firehouse I was dropped off at as a baby, he was looking for me. He knew my name because there was a letter with me when I was I found. Addressed to whoever found me. I live with him and his wife. They still don't know if they wanna have kids or not, so."
Taranee:"Wow, I'm really sorry."
Zay:"It's okay, I've kind of gotten used to having no parents. Being an orphan." She looks down and wipes a tear away from her eye. I put my arm around her shoulders and pull her against my side in a reassuring way.
Caleb:"Hey, you've got us. We may have just met you, but we're your friends. We're your family. And we'll always have your back." I squeeze her upper arm with my hand lightly, and she looks up at me and smiles, resting her head against me for a brief second before standing up straight again when we see the restaurant.
Cornelia:"You're right Caleb. We are your friends, and your family. And we will always have your back." Cornelia smiles at her and holds her hands while saying this, then after she finishes pulls her into a hug. They pull away and we all head to the doors. There is something about Zay, but I can't quite put my finger on it yet. That's awful what happened to her. I wonder what happened to her parents? Did they die, and someone just dropped her off at the firehouse? Did they abandon her? Leave her there 'cause they didn't want her? Wait, she said there was a letter. So her parents must've had a reason to leave her, and that reason is in that letter. But still, how could someone do that to their child? At least my mother had the decency to pretend to be someone else, because of the actual person that she was or is. That's too confusing to think about now, just go to work at the restaurant, or Yan Lin won't be very happy. Yeesh, and I thought her in the morning was bad.

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