"only the satisfaction of slaughter will cause it to return to the darkness from which it came"
a sinister clown terrorizes the small town of miles county, murdering anyone that gets in his path. one young woman becomes his favorite and he's willin...
this fic is about to get messy pretty quick 🤣. if you know, you unfortunately know.
i don't recommend watching the Terrifier movies if you're easily squeamish and hate heavy gore because i don't mind gore and even i got a little nauseous when i watched these movies lmao.
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"oh! uh, no thanks...i'm flattered though...uh, mr. clown?"
The small pizza place was currently barely crowded and it smelled of freshly baked bread, cheese, and tomato sauce. It was good and comforting to finally be out of the harsh coldness of the open air outside now. Their blonde friend had gone off to use the bathroom so it was just (Y/n) and Tara sitting together in the small booth, waiting for their pizza to arrive.
"So, what do you think about that guy...?" Tara asked, shifting uncomfortably in her spot as she thought of the disturbing manner of the clown man that they'd seen really keeping her on edge. She figured that now was the time to ask because their immature friend was currently not present.
(Y/n) picked at the peeling paint on the edge of the table as she thought of nothing but that clown since they walked over to the small restaurant to get some food. "I don't know...he was creepy and it's kind of stupid because he could just be a jerk dressed in a really convincing costume but...he felt so real to me" She spoke truthfully, noting the expression of concern in Tara's eyes.
She was about to open her mouth to reply but stopped short when Dawn plopped herself down into the booth across from Tara and beside (Y/n). She huffed a breath out, causing some of her blonde locks to fly up with the air.
"Ugh. That was the longest piss I've ever taken!" Dawn groaned as she leaned back into her seat, openly grinning when their pizza finally arrived at their table.
"Thank you for sharing that" Tara deadpanned as she lifted up her slice to take a small bite of it.
(Y/n) stared down at her own slice but she couldn't bring herself to eat it, her appetite had gone south ever since that man had entered her sights. She wanted nothing more than to just go home and be with her cat.
"This guy wants me to meet him at his apartment right now" Dawn announced as her eyes gleamed with excitement. (Y/n) wasn't surprised one bit.
"What a shocker" Tara said sarcastically.
Dawn looked extremely serious all of a sudden. "I told him I would" Her words made the other two girls look up at her with looks of equal shock. "I'm kidding. I have a little more self respect than that" She started to laugh softly at us.