"only the satisfaction of slaughter will cause it to return to the darkness from which it came"
a sinister clown terrorizes the small town of miles county, murdering anyone that gets in his path. one young woman becomes his favorite and he's willin...
art n reader will be separated for a little bit but don't worry, it all comes full circle eventually :)
let's catch up with reader after a year of healing + meet some new faces. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Keys jingled lightly on the (h/c) haired woman's pants pocket as she walked down the aisle, looking over the various items that needed to be restocked. It's been a whole year since those devastating events that had shaped the path of her future. Forgetting was a lot harder than she originally expected it would be because she immediately wanted nothing more than to move on from everything. It was hard when she looked in the mirror at her bare skin, seeing all the injuries that were still in the healing process. The worst thing for her to stare at was the messily carved name of her attacker forever etched into the skin of her chest. She was apparently lucky that her pinky finger hadn't been severed completely, only bitten into. She was more vulnerable now but her concern lied heavily with her former friend's sister.
Victoria Heyes had been the furthest thing from her mind nowadays as she hadn't visited in a while. It wasn't even the disfigurement that drew her away, it was more so that whenever she looked at her, it was a reminder that she didn't want anymore. The clown died and after copious amounts of therapy, she had forgotten that he ever existed. (That was a total lie).
She had taken up to working at a local grocery store, a comforting mundane that she desperately craved after the extraordinary experience she had. Miles County had been unfortunately raving on and on about the murderous clown and the entire incident still a year later. It did its job at driving her mad when all she wanted to do was forget. They'd been calling him the Miles County Clown. What a ridiculous thing to waste your time obsessing over. That demented man had ruined many lives that night.
The amount of fan blogs she's seen online along with a whole community dedicated to the deceased maniac had made her throat fill up with nausea. His victims didn't get the same amount of love and attention after their passing, only from their grieving families. Praising a sick person for doing sick things was just the way the world functioned now. He even had his own merchandise and the mere thought of still having to see her attacker everywhere made her take a lot more bathroom breaks to have panic attacks in the comfort of her own isolation. She couldn't expect anyone else to understand truly.
She shook the thoughts from her mind as she reached up to restock the nearly empty shelves of cereal, not even noticing that anybody was behind her until she felt a pair of hands latching onto her shoulders. She screamed in fright and nearly chucked the entire brand of Cheerios at whoever touched her.
"Chillax, girl. I didn't mean to scare you!" The familiar feminine voice of her co-worker and roommate, Zara Wilson, cooed in slight guilt. She was a pale skinned woman with piercing green eyes and dyed electric blue hair. She had a few tattoos, one on her hand and another settled onto her shoulder. She was wearing the same stocky grocery store uniform vest over an alternative dress style. She had been the first person that (Y/n) met here at this job, later offering to roomie with her because she was admittedly terrified to be alone anymore.