🃏 some festive things that art has done! 🃏

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this ARTmas, let's not forget how festive our favorite clown has been :D

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this ARTmas, let's not forget how festive our favorite clown has been :D

1. made a human snowman out of a fake bar Santa 🎅 (bar scene, T3)

2. spread some holiday clownish cheer in a mall, explosion style. (mall scene, T3)

3. murdered his little favorite's family and her boyfriend with an axe because he's so thoughtful! (opening scene, T3. chapter 22, down with the clown)

4. may or may not have ruined a couple's perfectly good shower 😁. (shower scene, T3)

5. called vicky ugly at least 5 times in his head while being horrified at her glass shard trick. (glass shard scene, T3)

6. worn his little favorite's silver bracelet as a tribute to her because deep down he's a good clown! totally 💯. (down with the clown)

7. caused a horrific amount of pain and suffering to all of miles county. (terrifier trilogy)

8. ate some bloodied cookies because who needs milk? leave blood and cookies out for Santa, you idiotic kids. (T3, opening scene)

9. let's see....oh! he gave his favorite some lip action but ya know, the bloody and gross kind! (down with the clown)

10. hey! he made it to ten...um....what was that last thing? come on come on, he knows he can remember! oh yes, he slapped sienna shaw over the back of the head twice while in the process of shoving a disease infested rat down her aunt's throat. (T3, finale scene) but come on, that was his best joke, guys.

there's definitely more but he can't name everything :(
Vicky gave him a number limit. (ugly ugly ugly).

"What the fuck are you doing?" That familiar scratchy voice called out to him as he turned to face the entity's lumbering form as she stood in the doorway of that horrid bathroom. "Are you still trying to write that list I told you to write?" She asked with her orangish eye narrowed at him in soft suspicion.

The clown just dropped the pencil he was holding (it had a cute little santa claus eraser cap), grinning brightly as he shrugged his suit covered shoulders innocently. Yeah, he managed to slip back into the festive outfit he was parading around in for days because it was soft material and he just couldn't part with the evidence of one of his favorite kills.

Vicky came stumbling up to him like she was a drunken college student, her hand coming up to snatch the paper that he thankfully just finished. "Let's see..." She huffed out as her eyes scanned the things he'd written, failing to notice his content smile as he reminisced on the good things he'd done this month. He was a very good clown and he deserved lots of presents, who else is going to deliver such festively fearful screams?

He's the whole reason you even thought to check this entire story out, wasn't he?

It certainly wasn't for Vicky's ugly self and he really doubted that his favorite was all that interesting to you. He was the star of the show, Art the clown, the miles county clown. Hello! He was kind of a big deal around here. He murdered countless people in this town and he deserved the recognition, that's all he was saying.

He stumbled back with an 'o' of surprise as the entity shoved the piece of paper back into his suit covered chest. He barely managed to catch it with his gloved fingers.

"I guess you aren't illiterate after all, clown boy" Vicky cackled, turning to grab a string of sparkly lights that he'd snagged from a nearby store. "By the way....has anyone ever told you that you smell like sewer water? Seriously, you need a major shower" She suddenly added.

Art took an actual step back at how offended he was, playfully sniffing underneath his armpit and then pretending to fluff his fake white hair. He knew he wasn't the best smelling (he was a killer demon clown) but there was no way the entity smelled like roses.

You enjoyed his presence, didn't you, favorite? Come on, he's not that bad! Sure, he killed your family and everyone you've ever loved but-

"Art! Come help me decorate this tree and stop over analyzing me telling you that you stink. I stink too, join the fucking club" Vicky hissed, beginning to rope the lights she grasped in her hands around the nice tree that he'd stolen from the mall.

The clown grinned, reaching down to grab onto Jonathan Shaw's severed head happily. He gleefully stomped over to the tree and stuck it onto the top like some twisted star. To him, it was a trophy that he'd never get sick of looking at.

Vicky came to stand beside him and he wrapped a gloved hand around her waist, standing there calmly with her as they studied their nice twinkling tree. Demons celebrating Christmas was an awfully ironic thing.

"Do you think Terrifier 4 will end with you winning? I mean, I'm already dead so I can't help you anymore" Vicky suddenly asked.

That was a loaded question, really. He figured that he was going to go down like every other great slasher that reached their last film. As long as he got some deadly blows on Sienna or even brought her with him, he was willing to go out happily.

He was just so glad that he'd have his little favorite with him (hopefully).

There's no telling what was going to happen, we've got time until then.

He tilted his head playfully, miming a silly 'ho, ho, ho' to an invisible audience. 'Merry Christmas' He mouthed with a grin of delight.

"Can you kill someone again? I'm a little frustrated if you know what I mean" Vicky's sudden question had the clown reeling back from her in disgusted silence.

Isn't that sweet? Our favorite demons have made room to celebrate the holidays together in their abandoned hideout. Merry Christmas, my dear readers. This story's success wouldn't be possible without you! If you don't celebrate this day, i hope December has been the kindest to you. 💚❤️

i adore each and every one of you! this has been such a tough year for me, i got really sick in September and i've been picking up the pieces slowly. i can say that it's gotten MUCH better for me though. Down With The Clown has been my happy place and i hope it's been yours too!

we still have chapter 28 before the official (temporary) ending of this fic, that'll be out after Christmas <3

I hope you left out milk and blood- i mean milk and cookies for Santa this year! 😎

SMALL BONUS FACT: Art has taken out somebody's clit in the novel version of Terrifier 2. if i have to live with this knowledge, so do you. (at least king can find it am i right ladies?)

LMAO anyways, if you can ever get your hands on it, i recommend. it's a great book and there's more art content. i'm surprised to know that he's got a funny kind of inner voice like i make him in this fic 🤣 he made a shopping joke and that was pretty funny to see.


-Frankie 🎅🎄❤️💚

DOWN WITH THE CLOWN, art the clown *completed until terrifier 4!* Where stories live. Discover now