Chapter four - A feast

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The cabin was plunged into darkness, only illuminated by the shifting reflections of the water outside.

The luggage scattered and piled up, preventing the two young women from entering. Agatha grabbed Rio's wrist. The body of a young man-a steward by the look of his attire-also blocked the doorway.

His once-pristine uniform was now wrinkled and marked with shoe prints. The dark jacket with golden buttons was stained with salt water, and his white shirt had lost its original purity. Even his tie, once neatly knotted, now hung askew. Agatha raised her hands.

- It wasn't me. Are we... playing leapfrog? Leaning against the opposite wall, Rio raised an amused eyebrow.

- I'll let you start, but if you trip, you're on your own with the frogs... and the cold water.

Agatha wrinkled her nose.

- Mean. She looked around. Well...
She took off her buttoned boots. Can you hold these for me?

- Dream on, darling.

- Always so helpful.

- Always so kind.

Still leaning against the doorframe, Agatha let her gaze drift to the reflection of the moon visible through the window.

She could feel Rio's presence behind her like a burn. She smiled inwardly, savoring the way Rio must have been watching her. There was something delicious about this subtle dance, paced by the gentle waves that seemed undecided on bringing them closer.

- You know, Agatha murmured without turning around, you might as well step forward. I'm not going to run. Especially not in these damp stockings.

Rio remained still for a few moments, then slowly made her way through. Her steps were silent, measured, but her heart pounded in her chest. Agatha had a way of pulling her into this game.

Finally reaching her, Rio extended a hand, far from hesitant, lightly grazing the skin just below Agatha's neck. The touch, though light, made Agatha shudder.

Encouraged, Rio let her hand glide slowly over Agatha's shoulder, then down her arm, tracing invisible circles on her skin. Agatha sighed softly, tilting her head slightly, as if inviting Rio to continue.

- I knew you'd give in eventually, Agatha murmured, her voice tinged with that familiar provocation.

Rio didn't respond. She didn't need to. Her other hand rested on Agatha's waist, gently pulling her closer, bringing their bodies together with exquisite slowness. The electricity between them intensified, every gesture charged with desire and restraint. Agatha let herself be drawn in, her back pressing against Rio's chest, the warmth of their bodies mingling in the cold air of the cabin.

- You like having control, Agatha. But with me, you know you can lose it without regret. Because I'm the only one who understands you, the only one who...

Agatha suddenly raised her arm, violet tendrils spiraling out from it. Was it a warning?

Feeling Rio lean even closer, her lips grazed the curve of Agatha's neck. Rio's warm breath sent another shiver through Agatha.

Rio placed a soft kiss on the back of Agatha's neck, then another, slowly moving up toward her ear. Agatha closed her eyes, letting out a sigh she could no longer suppress. Her body tensed slightly, but she didn't pull away. For once, she surrendered to something beyond the mere game of power.

- You hide well, Agatha, Rio murmured, her voice low and rough.

- Shut up.

- Behind this mask, this facade. But I know what's really hiding underneath.

- Rio, shut up.

Agatha opened her eyes, feeling a shiver of mistrust run through her. She straightened slightly, but Rio tightened her embrace, holding her with a deceptive gentleness.

- Don't say that, Agatha responded coldly, her tone betraying a hint of panic she struggled to hide. Don't ruin this...

But Rio wasn't finished. She knew she was treading on dangerous ground, but she couldn't help herself. She knew the deep scars that marked Agatha's soul, those wounds she hid behind her sarcasm and arrogance.

- You do all this because you think it's the only way to control what's slipping away, Rio whispered, her lips still near Agatha's ear. You've never gotten over what happened to you. You use it as a shield. But deep down, you're afraid.

Agatha stiffened, and Rio instantly knew she had crossed an invisible line. She loosened her grip slightly, but Agatha quickly turned, her eyes blazing with anger.

- You know nothing about me, Rio, she spat, her voice sharp with icy fury.

Rio met her gaze, not backing down in the face of the sudden outburst. She had pushed her intentionally, but she didn't regret her words.

- I know what I see, Agatha. And I see a woman hiding her weaknesses behind a mountain of lies. A woman who tries to dominate others so she doesn't feel dominated by her own demons.

Rio's words hit Agatha harder than she would have liked. She abruptly looked away, clenching her fists, her nails digging into her palms. She wanted to snap back, to find a biting retort, but for once, the words escaped her.

- Stop, Agatha whispered, her voice almost trembling, her gaze avoiding Rio's. Stop doing this... She raised her arm, and a violet orb formed in her hand.

Seeing Agatha's brief vulnerability, Rio hesitated. She felt she had gone too far, that she had revealed a part of Agatha she herself didn't want to face. She stepped back, giving her space, but didn't lower her eyes.

- It's not weakness to face what you're feeling. But I won't let you run away again behind your sarcasm.

Agatha, her troubled gaze, remained silent for a moment. The waves of emotions she had always managed to suppress were rising to the surface, and this time, she couldn't control them.

- I've never run, she muttered, more to herself than to Rio.

This... this feast. It was for you, I wanted you to come.

Rio remained silent for a moment, her eyes fixed on Agatha and the glowing violet orb that threatened to strike at any moment. Agatha's words hung in the heavy air of the cabin, filled with guilt and pain.

A feast.

Agatha didn't dare look at her anymore, feeling that Rio was trying to pierce through her soul. But this time, she couldn't run. Not with Rio.

It was more than that, she stammered, her words heavy with suffering. You don't understand... you don't understand what it's like to have this power, to feel control slipping... I wanted... I wanted you to be there, to really see me. I wanted you... to accept me, despite everything.

- Agatha, Rio murmured, her voice still soft despite everything. This isn't love. This isn't attraction. It's... destruction. You can't keep me close by destroying everything around us. I don't need gifts to know you love me.

Agatha finally opened her eyes and lowered her arm. Their gazes met. What she saw in Rio's eyes broke her a little more. It wasn't pity, nor anger. It was understanding, a mirror of her own torment. Rio saw more than just the dark being she had become. She saw the woman struggling beneath the darkness. Her voice broke.

- Then what should I do? I don't know how... I don't know how to be anything other than what consumes me.

Rio smiled sadly.

- We can still get out of here, she murmured. Together.

Leave the darkness here, let it drown.

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