Chapter 2: Just Blair and Her Cat

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Amidst the lively gossip, Anne's voice cut through the din with an idea that quickly caught on. "Hey, how about we make this more interesting? Let's place a bet on whether Blair will come back to finish her studies or if she'll drop out."

The suggestion quickly excited everyone. The cafe's energy shifted as students turned their attention to the proposal, their curiosity piqued by the prospect of turning Blair's downfall into a game.

"Let's do it!" someone called out, their enthusiasm infectious. "I'm in for two grand on her dropping out. There's no way she'll come back."

Another student nodded eagerly. "Yeah, I'm betting 5 grand she'll disappear. I mean, can you imagine her walking back into this place after all the embarrassment?"

The bets quickly piled up as more students joined in, their voices overlapping as students eagerly put their stakes that she wouldn't show her face around the campus again.

Spencer Brooks, who had been observing with a smirk, finally spoke up. "I'll take the opposite bet. I'm wagering she's already in the classroom while you were busy gossiping about someone else's life." His voice carried a sharp edge of mockery as he added. "After all, she has never been late a day at school."

He leaned back, his smirk widening as the bet unfolded. He crossed his arms, clearly amused by the situation. His eyes gleamed like he already knew the result.

The room fell into a brief, intrigued silence as the students processed Spencer's unexpected bet. A flicker of doubt crossed their faces. Could it be that the rumors weren't as solid as they had believed?

One student's eyes widened in realization. "Wait... What if all this talk about her being kicked out is just a baseless rumor?"

The tendency spread among the group. They knew Blair well enough to understand that she wouldn't easily let such an insult slide. If she had been so publicly shamed, her pride might have driven her to take striking revenge.

With classes about to start, students reluctantly left the cafe, their minds still preoccupied with the morning's heated discussions.

As they entered the classroom for their medicine lecture, the mood shifted to one of anticipation and lingering confusion, their collective breath catching in their throats. There, seated in the front row—Blair Wilson.

She was in her usual spot, the one she had claimed as her own and where she always sat to command attention and exude her presence. Her elegant posture and serene expression were unmistakable.

For a moment, it felt as though time had stopped. Their eyes were wide with disbelief. The sight of Blair, so calm and composed in her familiar seat, was as shocking as seeing a ghost.

"Is that... is that Blair?" someone stammered, unable to tear their eyes away.

Janica, trying to make sense of the situation, muttered, "But how? The rumors... we thought she'd dropped out."

Of course, they knew it was Blair Wilson! No one else exuded a noble beauty like her that seemed almost ethereal in the natural light streaming through the large windows. Her straight, dark hair cascaded down her shoulders and framed her face with an elegance that spoke of timeless sophistication. And her amber eyes, their golden hues catching the light in a way that made them appear almost otherworldly. Those eyes, framed by perfectly arched brows, were both piercing and inviting.

Raina, Janica, and Anne exchanged uneasy glances as they approached Blair, their previously casual demeanor now tempered with a forced cheerfulness.

Raina took a deep breath and forced a warm smile. She approached Blair with an air of practiced nonchalance, as though the morning conversation had never taken place. "Blair! It's so great to see you again. We were all wondering how you've been after the quite long summer vacation."

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