003. . . meeting new people!

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Natalie leaned against the table in the cafeteria, watching as Adryanna laughed at some joke she’d made.

It had been only a few hours since they met, and Natalie was already surprised by how quickly Adryanna had warmed up. At first, she had assumed the new girl was quiet and shy, but now it was clear that Adri just needed the right environment to come out of her shell.

“You know,” Natalie said with a grin, “you’re not nearly as introverted as you seemed this morning.”

Adryanna’s cheeks flushed slightly, but she smiled back. “Yeah, I guess I just take a little while to warm up to people. New places make me nervous.”

“Understandable,” Natalie said, waving her hand dismissively. “We’ve all been there. You’re doing great, though.”

Before Adryanna could respond, Natalie’s attention was stolen by a cheerful shout from across the cafeteria.

She turned just in time to see Clementine, the human embodiment of sunshine, bounce over to them. Clem’s curly hair was tied up in a messy bun, and she was wearing a bright yellow sweater that practically screamed happy vibes only.

“Hey, Nat!” Clementine greeted, then turned her attention to Adryanna. “Oh, you must be the new girl everyone’s talking about. I’m Clementine, but everyone calls me Clem or Coemmy.”

Adryanna gave a shy wave, but her smile was genuine. “Hi, I’m Adryanna. You can call me Adri.”

“Adri it is!” Clem declared, plopping down into an empty seat across from them. “So, what do you think of Woodsboro so far? Is it as boring as everyone says?”

Adryanna shrugged, glancing at Natalie for a moment. “It’s... different. But in a good way, I think. Everyone’s been really welcoming so far.”

“Good!” Clem said, beaming. “Because I’m a firm believer that you have to make the best of what you’ve got, and I can tell you’re going to fit in just fine.”

Just as Clem finished speaking, a figure appeared at the edge of their table, a mischievous smirk already in place.

Jules, the notorious prankster, slid into a seat next to Clem with the kind of over-the-top grin that meant trouble was brewing.

“Ladies,” he said, leaning back casually. “What’s going on over here? A secret meeting?”

“Only if by ‘secret’ you mean welcoming our new friend,” Natalie said, rolling her eyes. “Jules, this is Adryanna. Adri, this is Jules, our resident troublemaker.”

“Nice to meet you, troublemaker,” Adri said with a laugh, surprising Natalie with how at ease she sounded.

“The pleasure’s all mine,” Jules said with a wink, his tone teasing but friendly. “Welcome to the madhouse. Let me know if you ever need help pulling off a good prank. I’m the expert around here.”

Adryanna giggled, and Natalie felt a rush of relief. It was clear that Adri was starting to find her footing, and Natalie couldn’t have been happier to see it.
At that moment, another figure sauntered over to their table—Benjamin Kingsley, the self-proclaimed king of teasing.

His dark eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned down to whisper something in Jules’s ear that made him snicker.

“Hey, Nat,” Benjamin said, his tone playful as he turned to the group. “Who’s the new face?”

“This is Adryanna,” Natalie said, gesturing towards her. “Adri, meet Benjamin. He’s... well, he’s Benjamin.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Adri asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Depends on who you ask,” Benjamin replied with a mock bow. “But I like to think of myself as charming.”

“More like a professional annoyance,” Jules shot back, earning a light punch on the arm from Benjamin.

“Annoyance is just another form of charm,” Benjamin said with a grin, sliding into the seat beside Jules. “So, Adri, how are you liking Woodsboro so far?”

“It’s... interesting,” Adri said, glancing at Natalie with a knowing smile. “I’m still getting used to everything, but everyone seems really nice.”

“Oh, just wait,” Benjamin said, leaning back in his chair. “The weirdness is only just beginning. Especially with people like Jules and Clem hanging around.”

“I take offense to that!” Clem said, playfully nudging Benjamin with her elbow.

As they laughed and bantered, Natalie saw Alexander making his way over to them, a tray of food balanced in one hand. He sat down next to Adri, draping his arm over the back of her chair in a way that was both protective and possessive.

It was impossible to miss the way his presence immediately shifted the dynamic at the table, drawing eyes and attention without even trying.

“So,” Alexander said casually, his gaze sweeping over everyone at the table before landing on Natalie. “What did I miss?”

“Just introductions,” Natalie said, giving him a curious look. She couldn’t deny that there was something intriguing about Alexander. The way he carried himself, so effortlessly confident—it was hard not to wonder what was going on behind those striking eyes.

“Oh, the usual,” Jules chimed in, smirking. “Benjamin being obnoxious, Clem being sunshine personified, and me being my charming self.”

Alexander snorted, clearly not buying Jules’s self-praise.

Adryanna, who had been quiet during the exchange, finally spoke up. “Xander, this is Natalie. She’s been helping me out today.”

“Nice to meet you,” Alexander said, offering Natalie a polite smile. “Thanks for looking out for my sister.”

“No problem,” Natalie said, feeling a strange warmth at the sincerity in his voice. “She’s pretty great. I think we’re going to get along just fine.”

“Good,” Alexander said, his eyes lingering on Natalie for just a second longer than necessary before turning back to his food. “Because I think we’re here to stay for a while.”

As the group continued to chat, laughing and sharing stories, Natalie found herself sneaking glances at Alexander, trying to figure him out. There was something about him—something she couldn’t quite put her finger on—that left her wanting to know more.

Whatever it was, Natalie had a feeling that the twins were going to change a lot more than just the atmosphere at school.


The oher characters are going to get introduced in the next chapters.

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