Andros is a democratic realm with a life-changing history:
Long ago, Andros is a peaceful country with a union of chiefs ruling with peace and pacifically, until a tyrannical king conquers it and makes it a kingdom along with mermaid king Tritanus, whose obsession with bilateral ties with Solaria has gone wrong, oppressing every freedom of Androsians. Andros under dual monarchy became conservative and traditional, where people succumb to executions or face prison time if they break the rules. King Tritanus also forbade people to go undersea nor allowing to most capable mermaids who can transform their fish tail into legs to reach the surface and turns them into monsters if he thinks is necessary. Knowledge and education is suppressed and censored by the dual monarchy, with priority to the propaganda. Women, the dark-skinned majority, and natural environment of Andros are second-class to the dual monarchy, and there is arranged marriages between native Androsians and the kingdom's elite pilgrims.
Aisha's ancestors are written by historians of Andros as the restorers of democracy and peace. As students in Andros university, Teredor, Niobe and Nereus Tressa, a mermaid-Androsian hybrid who is illegitimate are fed up with the continuous oppression and decide to form a democratic political party with the other university students. This party is joined by a mermaids Aqua Regina and Ligea. They then start a yearlong protest march and a riot, where the dual monarchy reacted by announcing martial law, which killed thousands of Androsians, untill Baylor charmed the whole Andros with her debate skills and resulting in King Tritanus, the tyrannical surface king and the kingdom's elite pilgrims to be sent to Oblivion, which they will remain as prisoners. It takes 100 years of recovery for Andros to return to normalcy. Andros is currently a democracy ruled by the House of Archdukes. Androsians have a blood relationship with the Staryamis in the moon named Lumen, which are the frequent visitors of Andros. Andros university is known for the research of the outer space of the abnormal world and advances in physical sciences.
Gladys Larmalart was born on the 100th year since Andros' start of independence. Her parents raised her to be empathetic, knowledgeable, independent and resourceful. She loves to see the celestial objects like stars, comets and meteors during her childhood. As she is the symbol of democracy in Andros, the fairies view her as arch-nemesis, because they favored absolute monarchy. Her parents are a waterer father and a Staryami mother, therefor she wield the power of both water and morphix.
In school, she had the best grades, along with her excellent sportsmanship. She loves water sports like surfing, and jet skiing and works part time in Aquabibliotheca, Torgani Labs and Androservatory. She was the youngest student admitted to Andros University and like Flora and Beatrix, she studied in a dual-major degree in Physics and Astronomy.
After her first semester, the fairies' military attack Andros university. Gladys, Nabu, Anne and Nex stayed back with the military and the fighter students to defend the university, while others are forced to evacuate. Andros was overpowered by the Solarian military and Nabu, Anne, Roy and Nex died in front of her. In vengeance, she unleashed a secret power of blue fluid called Morphix to knock down all of the soldiers in the Solarian army. After the war, the surviving students are forced to transfer to other colleges and universities while Andros University is under repairs. Gladys came to her parents and explained everything that happened to her; while breaking down in tears, her parents embrace her with their heavy hearts. Fearing that she will be killed if she stayed, they contact Chancellor Giselle to allow Gladys to transfer to Alfea University.
It was not easy for her to travel to Alfea, her plane crashed one km near Alfea by the Trix in the middle of the battle between Alfea and the Trix. While rescue team came to rescue the victims and Aisha helping her flightmates, she saw the commotion and decide to bring her bags and run to Alfea University to protect it. With her guitar, she releases a Morphix wave to knock the Trix out and jump-kicks the ice made by Icylla, much to Midzy's chagrin.
"OMG, Gladys my gal!!"
A student screamed and Stella was annoyed, then Gladys fainted.
As she woke up, she was transported into the Winx dorm. She reassures her that she is well-trained and revealed to them that Andros is in danger.
"I am looking for a drummer out there."
She remembered watching the news on Solaria Philharmonic Orchestra concert which Stella is performing at.
"Oh well, we are a group, except for you!"
Aster is having flashbacks of the Andros University war and ran off crying.
"You are so ungrateful. We could not make it without her."
Mari then approached Aster and revealed that she was once discriminated for being a witch. However, she found a male Staryami-fairy cross student named Arden who found out what they are talking about, and decided to join in.
Arden Obscurrum is the son of a Staryami father who was a diplomat assigned by Doran, the prime minister of Lumen who is forced to divorce his mother under Solarian laws against mixed race marriages and a fairy noble. Heartbroken, his mother gave him up to his father and he raised him alone.

Mystery / ThrillerWelcome to WinxVerse, where magic is fused with science and technology. Where you have wings and open portals to different variations of the universe. But to unlock this, you need to attain higher forms of Winx, which is the power harnessed in every...