Earning Enchantix can be very risky because it involves sheer will to defeat evil or good which might involve in showing great sacrifice in order to rescue someone in their home realm. Only the Elemental five can achieved this form in Alfea University so far to preserve the winx form from extinction, as there is no requirement form to achieved in order to graduate from Alfea or become a guardian. Enchantix gives off anti magic protection while giving slightly revealing outfits. This form cannot be achieved by fairies as they are magically ultimate beings, causing natural selection of changelings. As Headmistress Giselle warned the Elemental five to plan their schedule in order for them not to be late on classes or else faced death. Enchantix can be corrupted if the user is corrupted.
Bloom: She was the first to gain her enchantix, because a Velvalerkyrian survivor was able to locate her realm and Bloom decided to left the group to follow her on her quest to revive her realm, which when she first visited, it was frozen. With her medical expertise and the dragon flame, Bloom along with the survivor, even locating and summoning other surviving Velvalerkyrians to come to her realm. However, as Bloom reach the mountain, Mandagoura, the witch specialist of bugs, attempts to attack her and falsely sent the Velvalerkyrians into Oblivious, a prison realm. She then summoned warbugs to attack Bloom which she repelled them using her Flame Field, burning them to death. She found the sword of Oritel in the near top of the summit. She then fuses its Winx along with hers to unfreeze her realm, then collapses out of fatigue. She then saw her deceased parents along with the souls and launches herself into the summit and restore her realm's vortex of flames and the portal.
Mari: The elemental five patrolled the Hall of Enchantments with Bloom with her Enchantix scarf. However, Mari senses Galatea captured and was forced to lead them into the same hall and run off to confront her kidnappers and they use their fire powers to destroy a bookshelf, and some books fall on both Mari and Galatea and snaps Galatea's wings. As the fire blazes, she collects the dropped books and pushes Galatea out of the flaming hall. Galatea then uses her fairy dust to restore her wings, while Mari was engulfed in flames as she attempts to resist the kidnappers' persuasion to kill Galatea.
Flora: She was hesitant to relive her trauma in Amazon as she met the Black Willow, where she and her parents. However, the storm fairies unfortunately targeted them and released magical attacks on Flora, but her parents shielded her and are thrown into the polluted water. She reluctantly strangled the storm fairies with plants in anger and dived into the polluted river surrounding the Black Willow. She created a bubble of air to lift her parents up, but the vines trapped Flora while the storm fairies attempt to escape the tough plants. The Black Willow returns to normal as Flora's toxins purifying the river.
Aster: For safety reasons, Aster and Beatrix went to Andros to confront the fairies' ally, Valtor and eradicate his spell. He formally introduced himself and revealed his background. He also states that he and Bloom are born enemies.
"For Andros' sake, you do this for Solaria?"
"Oh, yes. It was just in their contact."
Fed up with Aster's rebellion, he blinded her and attempted to disappeared to straight up injured the mermaid chief but failed as even Aster's blindness cannot stop her from defeating Valtor and locating him. Her resistance against Valtor's magic becomes stronger as she throe a barrage of Morphix blades and fists on Valtor until they both reached a portal that gives entrance to a prison realm called Kyros. She then found the coral gem and absorbs the sunrays to gain its power. Then she uses it to heal the mermaid chief.
Beatrix: Aster tagged Valtor to Beatrix, which she discharges his magic and opened the portal to Kyros. Valtor counterattacks by making the portal unstable and is about to collapse. Aster then summons her father, Taboc Larmalart to intervene with the collapsing portal of Kyros. Taboc then reads the scroll to close the portal, but the scroll was sucked into Kyros.
"Are you kidding me? You just stand there."
"Its too powerful, your friend saving our realm is destiny."
As both Valtor and Beatrix are sucked into Kyros, Valtor offered his open position for her and caressed her waist.
"Beatrix, join me to break free from this annoying prison realm and you will have anything."
"Neither will do! Now, begone!"
She then barely escaped the portal and closed it with her newfound powers as Valtor was helplessly trapped in Kyros thanks to her strong willpower. Aster then aided Beatrix with portal closing, which became a success.
"Now this is Androsian pride, Aster."
All Androsians celebrated with joy and peace while Stella suddenly enters Andros with her wand and found out that Aster is still blind.
"Just a twinkle of fairy dust and you will be normal."
Stella then sprinkles her fairy dust into her eyes and Aster regained her vision as some Androsians frowned upon a fairy's presence.
"I just feel like I am only valued to magic, not anything else."
"Ignore them, they have prejudice against fairies."
As the new semester is about to start, Giselle welcome back them into her office.
"Oh goodness gracious, you are not dead or injured. You are just in time to prepare for the new semester. Did you learn your lesson on gaining Enchantix?"
"Yes, maam. We know its dangerous."
"Guilt not. I used to be in your position. Last time, it is Alfea College for fairies, this is the era where I studied here. Alfea is a Solarian colony, and it was required to attained Enchantix. Most of my classmates are unable to graduate or had died attaining this form. Even rescuing someone from hometown will give you an incomplete one, which they then forbade you from graduating from Alfea College. This is their tactic to send them back to their home realms. However, the citizens of Alfea rallied up and protested against the head king of Alfea and overthrow the Alfean monarchy. As Alfea is born without bloodshed, those who participated in the rally abnormally gained their Enchantix, and now the number of those who gained it decreases gradually, including you. I was a participant in the takedown and gained my Enchantix."
She then give small boxes to the Elemental Five.
"After gaining Enchantix, today is the day of the gifts. I attended this day after the birth of Alfea. And now, I will pass this tradition to you, The Company of Light since you guys are sworn to protect the fairy princess of Solaria, am I right?"
"Yes, Maam."
"Open them"
The company of light then opened the boxes, then transformed again into their Enchantix:
Bloom's Enchantix has a red hood and a red scarf with yellow embroidery. She wore red boots and a red to yellow gradient dress.
Musa's Enchantix has her hair up in twintails and a ponytail. She wore a hot pink sports bra and an hanfu-like short skirt with pink loafers.
Flora's Enchantix is green swimsuit and Bermudas, with lime warrior shoes. Her hair is elongated.
Beatrix's Enchantrix is light blue long-sleeved blouse and a long dark blue split skirt with blue tech shoes. Her left side is enlogated along with her rest of her hair.
Aster's Enchantrix consists of puffier long hair with a light turquoise seashell top and a ruffled turquoise skirt with light blue sandals.

Mystery / ThrillerWelcome to WinxVerse, where magic is fused with science and technology. Where you have wings and open portals to different variations of the universe. But to unlock this, you need to attain higher forms of Winx, which is the power harnessed in every...