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minho woke up.
yay, we all happy.
minho also happy.

actually minho isn't happy.
because he was woken up at two am.

jisung cried out.

no, this wasn't good.
those were cries of pain.

I immediately turned around, and turned on my nightstand lamp, my eyes widening when I saw jisung.

"what happened?"
I immediately got up, and sat jisung on my bed.

"d-dad...my leg hurts so much minho."
he cried.

I took his leg, and he whined in pain.

"jisung, what did he do to you?"
I whispered, more to myself, as I inspected his wounds.

fuck, I felt like crying.
he must be in so much pain.
and he can't go into a hospital.

wait...who said he can't go into a hospital?
his fucking dad?
the one who hurt him?
fuck that.

"you need to go into a hospital."
I told him, holding his shaking hand gently.

"I can't leave the house minho."
he cried out.

"it wouldn't be the first time you did so."
I told him.
"you sneaked out from your room a lot when I started working here."

"my leg hurts so much, I don't think I will be able to leave the way I always did."
jisung whispered.

I sighed, before I looked around my room.
since it was on the second floor, jumping from the window wasn't exactly an option.

I could take my bedsheet and make a rope, but jisung wouldn't be able to climb down in the state he was in right now.

"wait, shouldn't everyone be sleeping by now?"
I asked him.

"dad is definitely up."
jisung looked down.

"how about we sneaked out of the house? if he's in his office, we can go by the other side, through the dining room, and if he's in his room, we can literally just leave normally."
I said.
"I will carry you."

jisung nodded, and after I made sure he was secure on my back, I slowly opened the door of my room, trying to make it as silent as possible.
I feel like James Bond right now.

as I slowly made my way through the hallway, I could hear a voice coming from Mr. Hans office.
but when I actually got to it, there was a huge problem I didn't count on.
the door of his office was opened.
so he would be able to see everything.
well, that kinda ruined my James Bond moment.

he was on a phone with someone.
and it must have been with someone that was on the event, because they were talking about jisung.
more specifically, about jisung fainting.

"yes, he's alright. he woke up soon after arriving at the hospital. that was the reason I was able to go back to the event."

fucking liar.
it took jisung more then two hours to wake up.
I was there, the entire time.

"yeah, he wasn't feeling well, but he never told me. if he did, I would never allow him to go there, and I would let him stay in bed and heal."

"he wouldn't."
jisung whispered.

I sighed, before gently caressing his thigh with my thumb.

I looked around, trying to figure out my next move.
I had to get to the main door somehow, but that was impossible now, with the office door opened.

then I got an idea.

"do you think you will be able to stand for a second?"
I whispered to jisung.

"yeah. I got into your room somehow, standing won't be a problem."
he nodded.

I slowly let him climb off of my back, and after he was standing on the ground, I slowly made my way to the office.

"what are you doing?"
jisung whispered.

"don't worry, I have a plan."
I told him, before going into the doors view.
and I'm so glad I did, because if I didn't check, we would get busted.
mr. han was siting by his desk.

"minho? what are you doing here? it's like two am? why are you up?"
mr. han asked, a little annoyed and surprised.

"I was thirsty, so I went to get a glass of water. should I bring you one as well?"
I asked him.
I fucking wanted to punch him.

"you know what? okay. bring me a glass."
he said, before turning around in the chair to make another call apparently, since he took his phone.

this was the best opportunity to get jisung to the door.
I quickly went back into the hallway and picked jisung up bridal style, and I quickly walked into the door, trying to stay as quiet as possible.

I took the door handle and slowly opened the main door, and right after I closed it behind me, jisung still in my arms, I felt relieved.
we made it.
now we had to go into hospital.

"why didn't we take the car?"
jisung suddenly said.

damn, how the fuck didn't I think of that?

"and you couldn't say that earlier?"
I whisper-yelled.
"we literally didn't have to go trough this drama if we went trough the garage."

"well...at least we're two little dummies?"
jisung smiled a little.

I rolled my eyes.
"let's get you into hospital now, okay? you're lucky it's near by."

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