Past flash backs (the experiment 🧪 gone wrong)

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After reaching North America they  went to Mr. John's house who was a good friend of Uncle David. Mr. John was also a science proffesor
'What a pleasure meeting you! I am glad to see my friend, his son and niece safe in this horrible disaster '

Said Mr. John with refie relief.

'Yes my friend' 'We have seen the days'  said tired Uncle David.

'But how you all did reach safely?' asked Mr. John.

"We had the antidote bombs that made that made the zombies unconscious ' said Samaira

They went inside Mr. John who gave them Food, Water, clothes and rooms.

"Tell me, David, How did you made those bombs? in such a short period of time?" Asked Mr. John

"Well I'll tell you but you won't tell anyone?" ''ofcourse not my friend"

"Then listen, in 2025 I was trying to make capsule that could make Tigers, Obedent like cats I almost made and it was time to do a a testing. I tried it on genipigs but I didn't work. I could not do believe it I can never be wrong I thought Let me try it on a cat ''

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