The Happy days

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Aayush and Samira were having so much fun 😊.
Samaira would bake cookies for him and read him stories. They would watch a whole series and complete in a week. Samaira was having fun but sometimes she missed her parents and her friends. She would call them everyday and so would they. She was happy with Aayush but uncle didn't seen to give them any time he was busy hum ins lab most of the time and would only come out during lunch opand dinner 🍽️. She would ask him during dinner time "uncle, why are you always so busy and whta are you working on?" He said "well a huge project that will save the world in the future and if I told you about it, you will think it's all non-sense and won't understand" Samaira found it quite mysterious that what her uncle might be working on she thought is it a life changing device or something?!. That night 🌃 she only thought about this.

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