Chapter 6

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You know that feeling where you feel like on top of the world, where you feel like you're flying, like there's nothing that can stop you that can bring you down? That's what I was intending to do but I had not such a luck.

Even though when I smoked I felt that release after the burning, it still didn't give me the freedom I was asking for. It was just floating, not flying and in that moment I just wanted to fly away; away from this school, away from this country, continent, life.

Do you remember that one time a week ago when I wrote my brother to see how was he coping, but you know what was all I got one e week after? A 'fine'. That's all.

I know very well we never had the best relationship but hell couldn't he see I was hurting, just like I could see the pain in him too. I know him too well but he doesn't see past the surface, just my silhouette standing in the darkness of the room. But hey, who cares huh? Not me, I've given up on that long ago.

The bell had rung, I had geography and I would be damned if I went to that class. So there I was on the same spot I was when lunch started.

God I'm so fucked up.


Last period.


At least something good.

I of course was late, but not by purpose, I just couldn't find that damned class. As I walked in it had six minutes that the lesson had begun but I hoped that the teacher would be kindhearted and let it slip.

I knocked on the door, yeah I do have manners, and walked in.

"I'm sorry I'm late, but I'm new and couldn't find the door," I said with a slight grimace on my face, waiting for the possible yells.

"Oh yeah, you're the new student. Don't worry I get it. I was once like that too," said a young man with a southern american accent, no more than twenty-five years old, with a tall and muscular figure, high cheekbones, thin lips and a small smile. "But I hope it doesn't become usual though."

"Uh no... Don't think so," I said perplexed. How come a hot teacher works here?

"Good. Now take a seat," I walked towards the back of the class to sit on a chair. "So, at this time of the year we aren't reading a book for everyone, as I was saying to the class, but each and everyone of you shall read or if you have read it and liked it so much, and you'll do a presentation about it. But," he gestured with his index finger to the class, " I want a detailed map for the characters even the least important one, where after each one you'll write a moral you've got from them. I want you to tell me your special opinion on the main character and an essay for what you didn't like about them, you should also keep in mind there can be three main characters.

"I want to know the title of the book and the author in the end of this week. It'll be due in two months, I'll tell you tomorrow the exact date. That's all you've got for today, now do whatever you want but only legal and don't get out if the class," and with that he walked to his desk, set down and started reading a book that was laying on it.


What was left of the class I just spent it looking outside waiting for the damned bell to ring so I could head home smoke some more and probably go for a run.

I don't even know what people do here for fun. Where do they go? Maybe I should ask Tom, but I don't feel like talking to him. Or make some friends. I should probably be thinking about homework when I go home, but the lazy ass I am doesn't feel like doing it, it's not like I ever did it. I've passed just because I kinda do good at finals.

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