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Guess what? After one year, me and my friend / partner are back at it! Seems like you truly can't get rid of summer traditions .... And with us are Niall and Palmilla.... 

We know we've disappeared but we are justified... SATS AND IGCSES so don't be hard on us because we're here for you now and we're here to take your breath away with a plunging return in young Palmilla's life, but more importantly Niall's. 

They say if two people are meant to be together, then they'll find a way to do so and , well all directioners are consumed by the feeling of pure lust and if we do belong with any of the boys, we will end up being with them. One wise man once said : "It's written in the stars"... and so it is because we depend on our destiny!

Read on and find out Palmilla's and Niall's fate...

 If I do recall, last time we stopped the two were having a dirty affair ? Guilty your honour...

Love you all

Whilst you're at it, check my friend's profile ( AMAZING WRITER) -> lpickelhaupt

Costi and Lili

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