Chapter 1: Where everything begins

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The blond boy sits up on the bed. He immediately squeezes his velvet white blanket. The soft material of the blanket twists between his fingers. He has a dream, again. He starts to cough, rough when he tries to catch his breath. His chest quickly rises and falls. The stars on his neck and collarbone shine a little with his every breath. His wings trembling in his fear. He feels the same thing that he felt in his dream. This dream always came back. Every night when he closed his eyes. When he tried to fall into his dream lands, it came back. Even if he used that story, those feelings, he always felt the same... Fear.

He heard some steps far from his room, but every step getting closer. His hearing was pretty good, and the silent room made the sound of the approaching footsteps even more noticeable. He just waits for someone to open his door. Maybe it was just a servant, that's not unusual in his place, he's a crown prince. The prince of the stars.

He couldn't stop thinking about his dream, but two knocking sounds interrupted the flow of his thoughts.

"You can come in." said quietly. His voice wasn't too strong, so the servant girl couldn't hear that. She knocks again on his door. "You can come in." repeats, his voice becomes a little louder.

When the servant enters the room He covers himself instinctively with his blanket, because he doesn't wear anything, just a short. He had pajamas, but the temperature in heaven was quite warm and he was sensitive to the heat, so he used to take off his clothes when he tried to sleep. It makes him comfortable. His nightmare could make it harder to fall asleep, but at least his clothes were comfortable.

His white wings were resting on the bed and still trembling a little.

"You're awake, Crown prince."

The servant looked around his messy bedroom. His room is covered with expensive things, but his stuff resting on his floor. Some of his drawing was swept under his rug. His clothes were thrown on the floor. The clothes are scattered. The servant crosses her arms and shows a firm expression on Eirix.

"What do you think, who will pack up your room? I see your governess never teach you for discipline." said and threw some clothes to the boy. "Put on these. Your training starts in twenty minutes. Get ready."
"Okay, okay... I know" his voice was confident, and he lowered his gaze to the wooden floor. Perhaps, he embarrassed himself because of the servant's comment. He puts on his white shirt and his ruffed collar. The sleeves of his shirt were decorated with golden stars. The shirt's material was soft and tenuous. He puts on his gray pants too. He tried to find something, that he could move easily.


He arrived at the room where he and his teacher used to meet. The room was silent until his teacher arrived. His teachers were strict but he liked him, more than his father. Truly he has more reason to like his teacher more than his father.
"Go out, run through the whole castle three times, crown prince" A loud strong voice broke the silence. It was the teacher.
"Mister Nevian, can I do this just once? I have a rough night. Again." Eirix was pleased even if he knew his teacher wouldn't pay attention to his complaint.
"Just do it... And don't pass out like the last time."
Eirix now didn't complain, he just walked down to the garden and started to run.
"Faster, Eirix!" Nevian shouted after him.
After his run, he stood in front of his teacher, and he fell on his knees when he tried to catch his breath.
"Okay, maybe we're done with this. Now, let's start the fighting lesson," he said.
The middle-aged man pulls out a sword and throws another one at the boy. Eirix suddenly stood up and attacked the teacher. He can't be tired. The teacher's training was rough. Nevian never spared him. He continued every time and never cared about how much he was tired. Sometimes the training continued until he passed out. Eirix usually skipped his meals and that didn't help in his situation. The fainting was a familiar thing to the boy. The too much exercise and the lack of food were too much for his body.
After his training, he just tries to catch his breath. His body shivering because of the exhaustion and the lack of food.
"Just lay down on the bench. I'll bring some food and water for you. You didn't eat, didn't you?" Nevian said and helped him to sit down on the bench.
Eirix just nodded and lay down on the bench. It helped with his dizziness, but his breathing was shaky, and waited for the teacher. Nevian came back with some food and a glass of water in his hand. He hands it to Eirix and smiles warmly.
"Here, eat and drink these," he said. Even if the teacher was strict, he could trust him, more than anyone in this castle.
Eirix took the food and the drink, he started to drink. He takes a bite from the food. It was a toast and two eggs. He's sure the chef cooked that. He always liked what his chef cooked. He ate all of his food and drank his water.

"You shouldn't have to skip your meals."

Eirix falls silent, he doesn't say anything, and he never likes to talk about his problems.

"You used to do that... I heard from your servant. Just stop hurting yourself. Listen later everything will be good, but if you kill yourself it won't happen. Just live because of it."

"I rather did it myself before my father did," he said. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't want to..."

"He won't do that, that's the reason for your training. One day you will be strong enough to win against him."

"Maybe, you're right, but I don't think it could happen. I just wanna end all of this" he said.

"Hey, don't say, again!" he said a little louder and put his warm hand on the boy's shoulder and shook it firmly.

"My father hates me, if he has a new son then... I... I'll die. Because I don't even look like a normal angel. I don't have a halo and my eye"

He lifted his front hair and showed his purple eye first time to the teacher. Some strands of his blond hair twisted around his fingers. His hair is a little wet because of the sweat.

"I know you look different, but that doesn't mean you're not an angel." The teacher noticed a surprised expression on Eirix's face. "Yeah, I already saw it in your training many times. Your hair won't cover that when you move."

"My father never let me show that, but never mind."

Soon a servant walks at them.

"Your father wants to see you, now," she said.


Eirix just stood up and walked into the throne room. He knew his father was there because whenever his father called him, he was there. The servant followed him, she looked a little nervous, whenever Eirix spoke with his father, they ended up in a fight. Eirix never wants to let his father win but doesn't have more choice. His father was stronger than him. In a real fight, Eirix just ends up defeated or dead. As they arrive he just looks around the similar building. The white walls, marble and gold decorations, columns, and the red velvet rug. He looked up at his father and watched his curly blond hair the same as his. He didn't want to give him the respect of looking into his eyes. So he rather watched every point of his hair. He tightly crossed his arms and looked up at his father after some time.

"What do you want?" The anger and the annoyance were noticeable in his voice. Maybe a little fear. His eyes were deadly, but his lowered voice showed his real feelings.

"Can't I just speak with my, son? My heir?"

"No, you never did it without reasons..."

"Oh, come on, it's your birthday."

"My birthday was three days ago."

"I knew it. So let's talk about your training. Now, you'll have to do your training with me."

"I never will do what you say."

"You have to train yourself, and I'm the best fighter in heaven. If something happens with our kingdom, you have to fight, for your king."

"I won't fight for you."

"Oh, you won't?" he said and his voice showed some annoyance, but he didn't cover it. "If you won't you'll regret it."He knew he could scare Eirix with it. Eirix flinched a little, but he clenched his fists and just turned around and walked away. He wanted to resist, but he never said anything. His slow steps turned into running. There's just one place where he can go. The Earth. He thought about that before, but he never dared to do that. Left everything behind him and just went forward and forward with his every step. Even if his father tries to do something against it, he doesn't wanna stop. Nothing can stop him this time. In the garden. Nevian saw Eirix running away from the castle. 

"What are doing, Eirix?"

"I'm leaving... That's my only hope, and you can't stop me now..."

"Who said I was gonna stop you?" Nevian kept his calm demeanor. Eirix got surprised he thought Nevian will do something to stop him, but he just walked closer to him and hugged him. "Be careful, son." Eirix just stood there and never tried to resist, but he was completly spreechles. "Let's go..." He smiled and let Eirix go. 


"Just go... You'll be safe there..."

Eirix looked at him a little troubled and immediatelly run away... He never looked back.

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