Chapter 5: Old friends

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"There's no way that we will go to a bar, Naoki," Nayuta said, annoyed.

Naoki wanted to convince him about the drinking. Nayuta started to get pissed.

They walked into the city. It was covered with many decorations because the fall festival was approaching. The town used to have a festival in the first month of fall.
Some people prepared some lights until the children played on the ground. That could be pretty at night. How beautiful was that... So... Yeah, that was pretty. There was a creek nearby the city. This was commonplace for the two boys. They went there whenever they had some problems, or Naoki was drunk. He can be incalculable when he's drunk. Naoki always had many issues, but Nayuta was always with him. He was on some medication for him. Their relationship was special. Every human needs something like that.

They arrived at the place where they used to go. The creek was small. They could step through it like he always does. A smaller stone wall was on the other side of the creek. The two boys used to sit there. They just watched when the cool water flowed between the bigger and smaller stones. Nayuta took out some macha from his bag and two cups.

"Oh, genius, how do you want to get water?" Naoki said in a bored tone. He was still mad because Nayuta didn't let him drink again.

"I think it's healthier, Naoki..." he chuckled as he looked down on the cold water. "Hm, The water is clear enough to drink from it," Nayuta said calmly but jokingly.

"Fuck no... There's no way that I'll drink that."

"Haha, you believed that. No, I brought some water with me."

Nayuta took out a bottle of water. It was slightly warm. He has some matcha powder. Nayuta knew how to make food. Koen taught him many things, like cooking, and he was pretty good at that. That was their activity in their free time. Nayuta never called him father even if Koen was his father. Maybe, he felt ashamed to call him like that, because he wasn't his blood-related father. The blood doesn't matter. It was perfect.

Koen was the most caring person in that small city. In Kazuhide. That was the name of that city. The town was close to the ocean, and almost as big as Tokyo. Kazuhide seemed like a normal city, but that was different. A lot of people used to have magical powers. They think of a magical area surrounding the town. Some of them tried to find some answers in the past, because the people who got powers like that, were born there. So really there's something in the city. Most likely who knows the real story of the city, they may know the reason why the people used to have that. Truly both people are right. Everything happened because Iyana shogun. Years ago her brother ruled over the city, but he wasn't as talented in management as he should have been, so he quickly fell into it. After a while, he left that town and his sister had to rule. His brother made several alliances recklessly. Even if Iyana tried to avoid the conflict, she couldn't do anything against it.

Soon she found herself in the middle of a battlefield. A lot of people died. She just stood alone on the battlefield, surrounded by dead persons. She wanted to give up but she couldn't. She can't give up on her people. She squeezed her sword and stood against hundreds of people. She swung her sword and her eyes lit up in an electric blue color. A huge wind-like black hole appeared in front of her and swallowed the people. She just stood frozen and shocked, her sword fell on the ground, just like she fell on her knees. Tears flowed down her cheeks and she started to laugh she was relieved. Soon she went back. She can't take her eyes off her sword. The people of the city surrounded her. She just only can say one thing.

"The city is saved... By the Gods."

After some time. She tried to help the others with her powers. Later the other people noticed similar powers. Soon more and more people used to have powers. They just got that somewhere... The people respected Iyana as a god even though she didn't want that. They just got that somewhere... The people respected Iyana as a god even though she didn't want that. As time goes almost everybody has an unnatural power.

Koen never had something like that. He was just kind...

Nayuta was done with the tea. He headed the cup to Naoki who took the cup and carefully tasted that. It was delicious. Naoki never liked the Macha tea, but what Nayuta made. That was different, like he always was.

"I never will understand how you make these..." He held the cup strongly.

"Because I'm better than anyone." He chuckled and leaned back proudly.

"Hey, shut up!" he said but his mouth turned into a smile. He pushed Nayuta a little. He looked at him with a serious expression, he can't keep it for long he immediately started to laugh. "You don't wanna know how much I like that you're with us."

"I like that life. We're like a family."

"Yeah, a family..." Naoki turned into silence. That word meant a lot for him.

"Listen, I know you're still sad about what happened, but it was seven years ago you need to step through."

"I could never do this. I need to remember my father. I don't want those who gave me life to be forgotten."

"Just step through, I'm not asking you to forget them. Anyway... Let's talk about something. How's your job?" he questioned, he tried to stay away from the conflict.

After al Nayuta knew what happened with Naoki, he never 'dared' talk about it. He doesn't want to bring up bad memories, or hear it from his friend. It was terrible. Seven years ago, someone killed his father and his brother.

"My job is exhausting... that's all, I think.

When he drank his tea, he just put aside the cup and leaned back. There was nothing behind his back, so he supported himself with his arms. Nayuta soon he finished his tea and he did the same thing. As the time flies, the sun began to set. So, the sky took on an orange-red hue. Nayuta looked at the red sun and sighed.

"We should go back..." He begun to pack his stuff. "That was so beautiful, but I think Koen is done with the dinner. So, let's eat!"

After they went home, they found Eirix and Koen paint the wall. They both were covered with paint. Koen noticed the two boy and put away his paintbrush.

"Oh, you're here...? What time is it?" He looked out of the window and observed the sky. "Oh, that's pretty late. I'll make something for you now." he turned his way towards the kitchen.

Eirix was covered with paint. His hands were a mess, it was covered with every color instead of his natural skin tone. There were some drips on his face too, Nayuta chuckled and tried to wipe off the paint with his thumb. He just smeared the paint more. Naoki just stood there and observed to scene, he felt lonely. He turned to the door.

"Hey, what are you doing young man?" Koen asked from the distance.

"I'm sorry I just have some work for today... I'll make something for myself."

"No, you won't... So, you have to eat with us. Try to socialize."

"But... Nah..."

"Go ahead and try."

"Can I get alcohol at least?"

"No... You're already sick now because of it."

"Not because of that..."

"Never mind if you don't want to socialize you can help me."

An hour later Koen was done with the dinner. He put everything on the table.

"Okay guys let's eat" Koen said with a warm smile.

They sit around the table. Koen made onigiri. That smell was so good, an ordinary person never smelt something like that. After they finished the dinner, everybody was full. They just leaned back and rested for a little. Naoki just always asked about Koen when can he go home. After an hour Koen let him go. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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