Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It all started on the day, after the last day of school. I had found out that my mom was getting the promotion she had been working for, since 2 years. Though my mom never knew it meant that we had to move to New York, she was willing to give up this life and start fresh.

If I was any other normal teenager I would've thrown a fit and told her I wanted to stay here, where I had grown up, but I wasn't. I thought that a fresh start is something I needed, I had spent so much of my life here and had a lot of good memories, but there were some that have been haunting me for a long time.

I would like to say that I was emotionally attached to everything here, but I wasn't. It really wouldn't be difficult to leave, no one would ever notice that I'm gone until it had been months since I had left. There was no one that could say they knew me really well, unless it was my mom, I know that it makes sound like loser or that I'm socially awkward, though only one was true.

At the same time I thought that it was a good thing, if I had actually have had friends here, it would have made it difficult leave, I would feel like I'm leaving a piece of me behind. Since that wasn't the case, my mom had only given me a week to pack up and figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my time that I had left here. It helped me a lot though, it made me think of how the things that happened to me in the past defined who I am now, though I may have some issues, I wouldn't be here without them today.

A couple days had finally passed by, I had finished helping my mom pack the rest of the house and I started to pack my bedroom up. I needed to pack everything besides my furniture, since the movers will be taking it away themselves. I started on my closet, I had most of it packed in less then 4 hours. I was packing the last of my closet until I found the secret compartment, I had completed forgotten about it, since I hadn't used it in over since 5 years.

It had been a compartment where I had stored all my pictures and important things that I had left of my dad. I remember the day like it was yesterday, I had put these things away right after his funeral. I had come home not shedding a tear since I had none left to shed, I went into my moms room and grabbed as many things that I could that day that were his. Since a couple of days before the funeral, my mom and aunt had gone to his house to pack up whatever belongings he had left.

I knew that there was a part of my mom that had still cared for him deeply, but after the funeral she had gone ballistic and took all the belongings she had packed up and put them away into a storage unit so she wouldn't have to see them again. It was quite difficult to the stuff before hand without her noticing, but somehow I had managed to.

I took out everything from the compartment and decided it was finally time for me to move on. I had kept these thing to remind me there was still a part of him that would always be with me, but I realized that I would always have a part of him. I had memories with him that were a part of him, it took a long time for me finally realize that I was a part of him.

I took an empty box and stored everything into it, I decided that I would put it into the new storage unit that my mom had decided to buy in New York so everything would be closer to us. I labeled it "memories of dad" and put it away in the corner of my room along with many of the other boxes.

I noticed that time had flown by way to fast and it was all ready time for dinner. I head downstairs to the dining table and saw that it wasn't takeout today, my mom had finally decided to take the time and make dinner by herself from scratch. It had been ages since my mom had cooked something, she had been so involved in work that she wouldn't come home till late and I would end up cooking or ordering food. I had started to think that maybe this move might help my mom to get back to her old self, that maybe she will start coming home early and being around when I need her.

After I had eaten the delicious meal that my mom had made, I went back upstairs to finish up the rest of the packing. I only had to pack away my essentials now, so it took me no time at all. By the time I had finished it was about 11 o'clock at night and I was so drained from all the packing. I decided to go to sleep and go to the mall tomorrow to buy any other things I would need. As I was laying in bed I was thinking of how, even though I had said that I wouldn't miss this place, I knew I would, since there would always be a part of me that would call this my home.

Author's Note

I promised I would update and I did!! I would have posted this earlier but I was so tired from Eid yesterday, though it was so much fun and I got a lot of money.
I have to tell all my readers though, that the beginning of this book will probably be sad because you get to understand and see a picture of how Olivia is and how her personality is. Will update soon!!

Love, Emaan

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